Game #1068513 — 2022-06-02

zerg 461
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 3457 | killed: 111k
4048 +49
protoss 5
apm: 19 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 2941 | killed: 252k
1851 +49
terran 6
apm: 13 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 3604 | killed: 111k
2432 +49
2558 -49
apm: 11 | gas: 2 | tier: 5
minerals: 1459 | killed: 147k
terran 47
1701 -49
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 1704 | killed: 105k
protoss 19
3908 -49
apm: 20 | gas: 3 | tier: 5
minerals: 2049 | killed: 183k
zerg 55




average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +794 Hikaru
00:06 <TirolA> Executor hi gl HF =)
00:08 gas 1 +791 <TirolA> Executor
00:13 Inny GLHF
00:17 <dsgear> Pickles you too
00:19 <TirolA> Executor and Heya my pickle
00:27 <dsgear> Pickles hey Exe
00:35 <TirolA> Executor finally joined or created your own guild i see ??
00:37 first unit on mid
00:42 gas 1 +774 <dsgear> Pickles
00:51 <dsgear> Pickles created - yea.
00:52 tier 2 <iSport> DzoD
00:54 tier 2 Inny
00:56 gas 1 +767 aloe
00:58 <TirolA> Executor please be gentle, im a total noob
01:00 <dsgear> Pickles since you did not invite me...
01:00 tier 2 <TirolA> Executor
01:01 <TirolA> Executor nice
01:05 <TirolA> Executor i cant
01:07 tier 2 <dsgear> Pickles
01:10 tier 2 Hikaru
01:20 <TirolA> Executor andd know its Urono who runs that show
01:25 <TirolA> Executor you **
01:34 <dsgear> Pickles join mine. ;-)
01:39 gas 1 +746 Inny
01:44 <TirolA> Executor nah, im good at the moment =)
01:52 gas 2 +664 Hikaru
01:54 <TirolA> Executor how many members do ya have ??
01:57 gas 1 +737 <iSport> DzoD
02:00 <dsgear> Pickles er..... 1
02:03 <dsgear> Pickles lol
02:05 <TirolA> Executor cool
02:56 gas 2 +632 <dsgear> Pickles
02:58 gas 2 +631 <TirolA> Executor
03:04 tier 2 aloe
04:00 gas 3 +525 Hikaru
04:05 bunker destroyed
04:06 gas 2 +597 <iSport> DzoD
04:10 <dsgear> Pickles fucking noob gas rushes
04:28 <iSport> DzoD gear all rush gas
04:32 <TirolA> Executor we both know Urono rushes gas too, all 3 as quick as he can
04:37 <TirolA> Executor yep
04:42 <TirolA> Executor thats just howe it is
04:45 gas 3 +502 <TirolA> Executor
05:28 <TirolA> Executor red, pro tip, Put weapons on something more durable than a marine
05:38 <dsgear> Pickles ^ noob
05:49 <TirolA> Executor you could tell him what to do, as im sure you know
05:51 <dsgear> Pickles 3 gas
06:04 <TirolA> Executor so ?? i too have that right now,m although, i usually only go for 2
06:15 gas 2 +533 aloe
06:16 <dsgear> Pickles and how many ppl listen and dont turn to assholes?
06:26 <TirolA> Executor 1%
06:37 <dsgear> Pickles .01%
06:41 <TirolA> Executor they susually do the oposite, actually,
06:54 cannon destroyed
07:00 gas 3 +435 <dsgear> Pickles
07:01 <TirolA> Executor see they are beating us
07:09 <TirolA> Executor blue, please make gear
07:20 <dsgear> Pickles oh oh
07:24 tier 3 <iSport> DzoD
07:36 tier 3 <TirolA> Executor
07:46 Hikaru will you cry more or just stfu?
07:47 gas 2 +487 Inny
07:58 <TirolA> Executor who??
08:15 Inny pickles probably
08:20 <dsgear> Pickles sorry?
08:37 tier 3 <dsgear> Pickles
08:44 <dsgear> Pickles oh he speaks..
09:04 Hikaru oh you should stfu
09:10 <dsgear> Pickles blow me
09:32 <dsgear> Pickles don't join my games if you dont like it
09:51 Hikaru I will just to piss you up
10:23 <TirolA> Executor are you sure this is not the reason why u currently only have 1 member ??
10:31 <dsgear> Pickles lol
10:39 <TirolA> Executor just saying
10:45 <dsgear> Pickles I am not realyl recruiting
10:46 gas 4 +247 Hikaru
10:49 <TirolA> Executor ah
10:56 gas 4 +242 <dsgear> Pickles
10:57 Hikaru yeah sure xD
11:28 tier 3 aloe
12:49 <dsgear> Pickles blue comes out strong
12:50 gas 3 +260 Inny
12:51 gas 3 +260 aloe
13:19 <TirolA> Executor the real MVP....or soemthing.....
14:10 tier 3 Inny
16:21 <TirolA> Executor im glad i went with all 3 gas for once
16:32 gas 4 +74 Inny
18:22 gas 4 +19 aloe
21:32 <TirolA> Executor ¨2 waves, shit i just cleared 2 waves, or atleast 1 and 3/10
25:12 tier 3 Hikaru
25:26 tier 4 Hikaru
25:40 tier 4 Inny
25:47 tier 4 <dsgear> Pickles
26:55 tier 4 aloe
28:09 tier 4 <TirolA> Executor
29:27 tier 4 <iSport> DzoD
30:03 tier 5 Hikaru
30:03 tier 5 <dsgear> Pickles
30:03 tier 5 Inny
30:07 tier 5 aloe
30:20 tier 5 <TirolA> Executor
30:26 tier 5 <iSport> DzoD
31:29 <TirolA> Executor ggwp
31:31 Inny gg
31:31 game ended
31:33 <dsgear> Pickles gg wp