Direct Strike is a StarCraft II custom map.
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name rating
1. <dGreat> Patella 10223
2. <TRLM> Zelek 10217
3. <dGreat> Khanflux 10207
4. <TRLM> EllenRipley 9989
5. <dGreat> NoooB 9858
6. <ØSgZ> Euweb 9837
7. <GKitty> Kachar 9771
8. Zelek 9386
9. <dGreat> Kneecap 9374

– Viper cost increased from 220 to 250.

– Dragoon cost reduced from 125 to 120.
– Honor Guard cost reduced from 80 to 75.
– High Archon cost reduced from 340 to 330.
– Immortal cost reduced from 225 to 215.
– High Templar cost reduced from 180 to 175.
– Reaver cost reduced from 425 to 420.

– Primal Wurm now increases in cost with each purchase (requires tier2, costs 100, 150, 200), but dehaka once again has access to 3 wurms.

– Hellion cost reduced from 125 to 120.
– Hellbat cost reduced from 125 to 120.
– Executioner Missiles (Widow Mine on-death effect) upgrade cost reduced from 150 to 100.
– Black Market Launchers (Widow Mine faster burrow) upgrade cost reduced from 125 to 100.
– Sovereign Battlecruiser now gives 5% attack speed to Han’s forces (that’s what patchnotes say; but it actually gives just 2.5%).

– Orbital Strike Beacon cooldown reduced from 240 to 225 seconds.
– Orbital Strike Beacon deals half damage to structures.
– Optimized Ordnance (defense buildings buff) upgrade cost reduced from 125 to 75.
– Energizer cost reduced from 145 to 140.
– Annihilator cost reduced from 270 to 260.
– Mirage cost reduced from 150 to 145.
– Sentinel cost reduced from 95 to 90.

– Lurker cost reduced from 295 to 290.
– Queen cost reduced from 150 to 145.
– Brood Lord cost reduced from 320 to 310.

– Pride of Augustgrad now has the “Promote to Flagship” ability (250 minerals, one of PoAs can be upgraded to become an Important Hero, which is immune to most stuns, devour, having reduced debuffs durations and effects, etc).
– Ultralisk cost reduced from 275 to 260.

– Hellbat Ranger cost reduced from 300 to 290.
– Heavy Siege Tank cost reduced from 340 to 325.

– Volatile Infested cost reduced from 50 to 45.
– Infested Marine cost reduced from 38 to 35.

– Drakken Laser Drill cost reduced from 200 to 175.
– Drakken Laser Drill level 2 (tier 3 upgrade) now also increases lock-on speed (x2 faster target switch).
– Wraith cost reduced from 145 to 140.
– Cyclone cost reduced from 170 to 165.
– A.R.E.S. cost reduced from 275 to 260.

– Black hole duration reduced from 6 to 5 seconds.
– Stalkers cost increased from 115 to 120.
– Dark Archon cost reduced from 350 to 340.

– Mass Frenzy can now hold 2 charges.
– Rupture (bane explosion aoe) upgrade cost reduced from 200 to 150.
– Virulent Spores (scourge aoe damage) upgrade cost reduced from 125 to 100.

– Dark Pylon ranged weapon range bonus reduced from 2 to 1.

– Fixed an issue with Stetmann’s Hydralisks. Also changed their attack vfx.
— now hydra properly starts with spike antiair attack, instead of rockets
— tooltip now properly shows energy antiair rocket will cost 15 energy
not fixed: hydra energy-boosted AA rockets (doubles the damage) ignore ranged attack upgrades, it damages the same with 0-0 and with 3-0
new: it is now impossible to switch back to AA spikes after buying rockets upgrade

– Cyclone cost increased from 125 to 140.
– Mag-Field Accelerator upgrade (increases Cyclone Lock On damage to 600 over 14 seconds) is now available.

– Fixed a bug where standard mode Motherships wouldn’t attack targets that are exactly at max range (bug was introduced with latest sc2 patch).

– Stalker cost increased from 110 to 115.
– Archon/High Templar cost reduced from 275 to 265.
– Immortal cost reduced from 255 to 245.
– Phoenix cost reduced from 140 to 135.
– Void ray cost reduced from 250 to 240.
– Tempest cost reduced from 335 to 325.

– Ghost cost reduced from 235 to 230.
– Siege Tank cost reduced from 265 to 260.

– Hydralisk cost increased from 95 to 100.
– Added Lunge (hydralisk double speed for about 1 second, can be casted out of combat).

– Structure Overcharge cooldown reduced from 180 seconds to 120 seconds, and now holds up to 3 charges.
– Slayer cost reduced from 130 to 125.
– Fusion Mortars (Vanguard anti-armor upgrade) cost reduced from 150 to 125.
– Bloodshard Resonance (t3 Havoc range upgrade) cost reduced from 150 to 125.
– Aerial Tracking (Wrathwalker anti-air upgrade) cost reduced from 150 to 125.
– Rapid Power Cycling (Wrathwalker attack speed upgrade) cost reduced from 150 to 100.
– Energy Shaping (Supplicant anti-air upgrade) reduced from 150 to 100.
– Blood Shields (Supplicant +2 shield upgrade) cost reduced from 125 to 25.

– Primal Hydralisk cost reduced from 100 to 95.
– Tyrannosaur cost reduced from 850 to 825.
– Barrage of Spikes cost reduced from 150 minerals to 125.
– Tyrant Protection cost reduced from 100 minerals to 50.
– Explosive Spores cost reduced from 125 to 100.
– Concentrated Fire (Primal Igniter anti-light upgrade) cost reduced from 100 to 75.

– Carriers cost reduced from 390 to 385.
– Mojo cost reduced from 400 to 375.
– Clolarion (heroic carrier) cost reduced from 925 to 900.
– Conservator cost reduced from 175 to 170.
– Interdictors (heroic carrier aoe anti-ground upgrade) cost reduced from 150 to 100.

– Purifier Beam changed from 350 (+350 vs Armored) damage over 5 seconds, to 250 (+250 vs Armored) damage over 4 seconds.
– Mirage cost increased from 145 to 150.
– Sentinel cost increased from 90 to 95.

– Sky Fury cost increased from 425 to 450.
– Zergling cost increased from 18 to 20.

– Mecha Lurker’s Tunnel of TERROR Algorithm now autocasts on units over 100 vitality (nothing actually changed here, even though this line is in patchnotes; Tunnel of TERROR still not autocasted ever, and 2nd aoe ability Focused Strike still behaves like before).
– Mecha Lurkers cost increased from 385 to 400.
– Focused Strike Algorithm (Mecha Lurker aoe damage ability) cost reduced from 150 to 75.
– Bonus Ravager cost reduced from 125 to 100.

– Blaze oil spill now reduces attack speed and move speed of units from 75% to 50%, but lasts 4 seconds, up from 2.

– Dark Pylon increases ranged unit ranges by 2 (can now also be put on Oracles, but not on Corsairs; does not give range to Centurions (zealots)).
– Stasis Calibration (can attack opponents trapped by Oracle upgrade) cost reduced from 150 to 100.
– Disruption web cost reduced from 150 to 100.

– Soverign Battlecruiser may once again be purchased (no longer grants Significant Other bonuses) (cost is 950 minerals; it can still receive +HP% bonus from “Horner’s Forces”).

– Ares unit radius reduced from 0.8125 to 0.75.

– Fixed several inconsistencies with reposition tooltips and usage charges.
– Fixed an unclickable area of the screen above the unit inventory panel.

– Viper’s Abduct will no longer allow you to use it on Frenzied units (it doesn’t affect them anyway).

– Impaler’s Cancel button should now properly appear while selling the unit.

– Added a hotkey to Taldarin’s (heroic immortal) Barrier ability.

– Fixed Tumors being usable on places without creep in certain situations.

– Spec Ops Ghost’s EMP no longer states it reveals Burrowed units.

– Removed a hidden Sell ability on Gary that allowed him to be sold if he’s part of a selected unit group.

– Nikara’s second heal beam will now end if the target is affected by Stasis.

– Dark Archon’s Mind Control now properly has a cast range of 9.
– Fixed some instances of Dark Templar’s blink failing when used manually.

– Void Rays will no longer autocast Prismatic Alignment if under the effects of Interference Matrix (Interference Matrix removes the buff).

– Abduct will now autocast on air-to-air units too.
– Brutalisk anti-air attack no longer pointlessly says it attacks 1 time.

– Purifier Tempest Disintegration is now correctly counted as a DoT for abilities that interact with DoTs, like super cloak.
– Fixed a bug where Reaver scarabs could retarget onto your own units.

– Vile Roach cost increased from 75 to 80.

– Vanguard cost reduced from 435 to 425.
– Ascendant cost reduced from 310 to 300.
– Tal’darim Mothership cost reduced from 1275 to 1250.
– Building Alarak now correctly unlocks Shield upgrades.

– (Probably) Fixed Fenix placement effects being visible through fog of war.

– Fixed Widow Mine, Galleon, Deimos Viking % Asteria Wraith giving 0.5% less than the stated Significant Other bonus.
– Removed stated Significant Other bonus from Call in the Fleet.

– Lurker cost reduced from 300 to 295.
– Brood Lord cost reduced from 325 to 320.
– Siesmic Spines upgrade cost reduced from 100 to 75.

– Hyperion’s Advanced Targeting Systems range indicator is now more accurate.
– Medics now properly have a hotkey for Heal.

– Mecha Lurker’s Burrow autocast setting should now be preserved when it spawns.
– Mecha Ultralisk’s Mecha Mooch now properly obeys F3 menu settings.
– Stetmann’s UMI-C Charging Protocol (Mecha Infestor heal) buff now shows its proper tooltip description.

– Infested Bunkers now properly require 9 reposition charges.
– Contamination starting cooldown should now be correct if you pick Stukov using the in-game select.
– Liberators now properly obey F3 menu settings.

– Added additional checks to Nikara’s second heal beam to stop it targeting weird units like workers.

– Dark Archon cost reduced from 360 to 350.

– Colossus cost reduced from 310 to 300.
Reason: Wasn’t used much.

– Mothership cost reduced from 750 to 700.
Reason: Most of you wouldn’t notice a cost reduction as you don’t build them anyway.

– Widow Mine cost reduced from 110 to 105.
Reason: Unit was nerfed by Blizzard.

– Siege Tank cost reduced from 275 to 265.
Reason: Wasn’t used much.

– Thor cost increased from 415 to 425.
Reason: Too good at dealing with air units.

– Advanced Ballistics cost reduced from 200 to 150.
Reason: Upgrade was nerfed by Blizzard.

– Mag-Field Accelerator upgrade removed.
Reason: Removed by Blizzard.

– Mutalisk cost increased from 75 to 80.
Reason: You’re building too many of them, stop that.

– Pathogen Glands upgrade removed.
Reason: Removed by Blizzard.

2023-05-30 Rating v3, finally!

2023-05-24 Opponents in players profiles

2023-05-15 Old news: changes in last few months

2023-04-19 Parser updated for StarCraft 2 version

2023-01-30 Parser updated for StarCraft 2 version

2023-01-23 Parser updated for StarCraft 2 version

2023-01-17 Multiple custom ratings, 1000000th game!

2023-01-09 Game profiles are finally available!

2022-12-15 Rating rules, ds loading screen, multiple changes

2022-11-20 Bugfixes, improvements

2022-11-16 Parser updated for StarCraft 2 version

2022-11-11 Rating released! in-depth explained

2022-11-06 Caching improved: profiles updated instantly, pages load faster

2022-11-02 Updated dsr_uploader to v9, bugfixes

2022-10-30 Sorting /players by winrate instead of games played

2022-10-25 Direct Strike Tournament Edition (DSTE) map support, a player search

2022-10-22 Importing DS TE support, it will take about 30 hours

2022-07-25 Parser updated for StarCraft 2 version

2022-03-16 Parser updated for StarCraft 2 version

2021-10-27 Parser updated for StarCraft 2 version

2021-04-07 Parser updated for StarCraft 2 version

2021-02-18 More SEO

2021-02-14 Breadcrumbs

2021-02-14 Mobile browser support

2021-02-14 Fixed: excessive site cache

2021-02-11 Fixed: unable to find SC2 folder

2021-02-11 Site interface improvements

2021-02-10 Fully automatic uploader!

2021-02-03 Parser updated for StarCraft 2 version

2021-02-01 Replay uploader! Upload your DS replays to

2021-01-26 Site under construction

uploader of the day


most games total
name games
1. <DSGoku> Sunay 29296
2. <NEWB4> GeneralXTank 15968
3. <TRLM> DrinkAndSex 15907
4. <DSAnbu> TheCarry 15584
5. <DSAnbu> Taco 15332
6. <Шахтёр> PezaUkraine 15266
7. <T1TANS> cmac 14854
most games last month
name games
1. <KJF> WÖFFE 810
2. <DSRTNG> TiamatDrag 592
3. <DSRTNG> UltimateFigh 584
4. <T1TANS> AnRG 505
5. <DSPROS> dsgear 475
6. MaksDec 430
7. MustDieAm 395
top clans
clan members
1. <DSRTNG> 19
2. <DSGoku> 16
3. <Yepta> 10
4. <GKitty> 6
5. <T1TANS> 6
6. <dGreat> 5
7. <KingDs> 4