Game #1072691 — 2023-01-31

protoss 384
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1214 | killed: 74k
5021 +43
terran 731
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1106 | killed: 66k
3418 +43
zerg 3
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 766 | killed: 56k
1708 +43
4183 -43
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 270 | killed: 72k
terran 52
4467 -43
apm: 41 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 178 | killed: 55k
terran 99
2224 -43
apm: 6 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 29 | killed: 53k
protoss 78


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:37 first unit on mid
04:03 gas 1 +310 <Spewn> FatalEnix
04:21 tier 2 <VINGAD> ThaBoss
04:26 cannon destroyed
04:28 gas 1 +297 Spazmire
04:28 gas 1 +297 Cataphract
04:41 tier 2 <Spewn> FatalEnix
04:47 PizzaTime red would be alot cooler if they left lol
04:57 Spazmire so would your whole team
05:02 PizzaTime lmao
05:36 Cataphract I mean you're all losing pretty bad
05:43 tier 2 Spazmire
05:46 <VINGAD> ThaBoss that said the guy that leak 1st lol
05:49 Cataphract Honestly I think red's doing the least bad
05:51 PizzaTime do you watch the map ?
06:13 Cataphract Yeah red beats all te crap that you and orange leaked, and this wave he even beat his own opponent
06:28 gas 1 +237 PizzaTime
06:31 <VINGAD> ThaBoss agree
06:37 bunker destroyed
06:38 <VINGAD> ThaBoss but he dont see that
06:39 gas 1 +232 MoZLiN
06:42 gas 1 +230 <VINGAD> ThaBoss
06:43 PizzaTime lmao i mean idc i was able to cover but did you like ... actually watch the map or just go oo man this is my favorite unit
06:54 PizzaTime watch the replay lmao
06:55 tier 2 PizzaTime
07:09 <VINGAD> ThaBoss watch it for yourself
07:22 PizzaTime lmao dude can we find a way to bet on this
07:30 Cataphract You'll lose, pink.
07:37 PizzaTime lmao
07:46 PizzaTime please figure out a way to do this so we can bet on it
07:46 Cataphract You literally haven't beaten my wave once...
08:02 PizzaTime because i was facing left over Z most of the game lol
08:04 gas 2 +114 PizzaTime
08:12 tier 2 MoZLiN
08:14 PizzaTime still am if you see whats alive
08:33 <VINGAD> ThaBoss u dont have school tomorrow kid??
08:39 <VINGAD> ThaBoss go sleep
08:40 gas 2 +96 Cataphract
09:09 PizzaTime i promise ... pepe the min killed at the end of this game lol
09:26 Cataphract Oh I'll Pepe it.
09:35 PizzaTime peep XDXDXDXDXD
09:42 gas 2 +65 Spazmire
09:43 Cataphract I want the rare Pepe though...
09:56 <VINGAD> ThaBoss Im out
09:56 PizzaTime what we all want
10:00 PizzaTime plz do
10:02 tier 2 Cataphract
10:07 <VINGAD> ThaBoss lol nope
10:08 PizzaTime i mean you killed the game enough lol
10:10 gas 3 -24 Cataphract
10:35 PizzaTime watch the replay and try and learn lol or just simply look at the min killed value at the end
10:44 tier 3 PizzaTime
10:50 gas 2 +31 <VINGAD> ThaBoss
11:14 PizzaTime not a single archon lmao
11:22 tier 3 Cataphract
11:37 Cataphract Archons are a huge risk with a Teran on the field.
11:50 PizzaTime i mean if you face your wave you dont have that problem lmao
12:00 Cataphract He's never gotten to though
12:04 PizzaTime right lmao
12:20 gas 3 -89 <VINGAD> ThaBoss
12:44 gas 3 -101 Spazmire
12:54 Cataphract I really don't want either of you to leave now cuz I really do wanna Pepe the minerals killed at the end, lol
13:04 PizzaTime same lol
13:30 PizzaTime someone please find a way we can bet on this i want the easy monies
15:49 gas 4 -268 <VINGAD> ThaBoss
15:50 gas 2 -119 <Spewn> FatalEnix
16:13 gas 3 -206 PizzaTime
16:53 tier 3 MoZLiN
17:14 tier 3 <VINGAD> ThaBoss
17:51 gas 2 -179 MoZLiN
17:59 tier 3 Spazmire
18:22 gas 3 -270 <Spewn> FatalEnix
18:37 PizzaTime ez
18:55 Cataphract I think you prob pulled ahead of him now that you have Libs but we'll see.
19:09 PizzaTime bruh i would be ahead at any point this game
19:13 <VINGAD> ThaBoss gg
19:16 Cataphract gg
19:19 Spazmire gg
19:22 PizzaTime not really
19:23 game ended