Game #1080127 — 2023-02-02

terran 448
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 4
minerals: 2218 | killed: 91k
915 +1
zerg 542
apm: 20 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 2106 | killed: 95k
4742 +17
terran 5
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 2627 | killed: 105k
2042 +17
1663 -17
apm: 20 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: -133 | killed: 80k
terran 168
1946 -17
apm: 6 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 213 | killed: 105k
zerg 4
180 -1
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 688 | killed: 104k
protoss 63


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:37 first unit on mid
01:08 tier 2 <GSNBS> Alex
01:39 gas 1 +570 СЭМ
02:45 tier 2 BarryEvil
04:00 tier 2 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot
04:03 cannon destroyed
04:05 gas 1 +497 <GSNBS> Alex
04:11 gas 1 +494 Leviathan
04:11 tier 2 СЭМ
05:35 gas 1 +452 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot
05:45 gas 2 +372 Leviathan
06:55 <GSNBS> Alex who lags like shit
06:57 <GSNBS> Alex just quit pls
07:05 gas 2 +332 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot
07:15 gas 3 +252 Leviathan
07:56 gas 2 +306 СЭМ
08:01 <GSNBS> Alex whoever lags leave you fucking retard
08:13 <GSNBS> Alex it will drop you soon anyway
08:40 gas 2 +285 <GSNBS> Alex
09:03 tier 2 Leviathan
09:04 tier 2 Haki
09:16 Haki who is computer sux
09:24 Leviathan my name is computer Sux
09:29 <GSNBS> Alex no idea who he is but he is a fucking retard i can tell you that
09:31 Leviathan what is your name ?
09:39 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot eseciel
09:40 Haki ezekiel uu
09:42 tier 3 СЭМ
09:46 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot fuck <ou ton<y!
09:49 Haki ahahaha
10:21 gas 1 +309 Haki
10:27 <GSNBS> Alex whoever fucking lags quit you piece of shit
10:40 gas 4 +75 Leviathan
11:00 Haki what is graphic cards
11:16 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot 286 master race!
11:22 Haki 273
11:34 Haki this noobs just watching games (happy)
11:35 Haki and lagging
12:01 <GSNBS> Alex leave you fucking lagging scum
12:12 Haki i think c3 lagging
12:29 tier 3 Leviathan
13:05 gas 3 +77 СЭМ
13:05 Haki nevermind i finish it game
13:12 Haki actually lost it
13:19 tier 3 Haki
13:32 gas 1 +213 BarryEvil
13:45 <GSNBS> Alex i hope the lagging shit gets hit by a bus
13:52 <GSNBS> Alex for doing this to 5 innocent ppl
14:01 <GSNBS> Alex fucking autist
14:01 Haki i sell my armys game finish
14:15 tier 3 <GSNBS> Alex
14:28 tier 3 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot
15:02 <GSNBS> Alex it's either this barry guy or cem
15:10 <GSNBS> Alex they are dead silent entire game
15:17 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot it´s me faggot no shut up
18:19 gas 2 -5 Haki
19:19 gas 3 -110 <GSNBS> Alex
19:57 gas 3 -129 Haki
21:59 gas 4 -265 СЭМ
22:20 tier 3 BarryEvil
23:25 gas 4 -308 Haki
25:19 tier 4 <GSNBS> Alex
25:22 tier 4 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot
25:40 game ended
25:45 <GSNBS> Alex whoeveve lagged
25:46 <GSNBS> Alex die irl trash