Game #1096525 — 2022-09-01

stukov 110
apm: 20 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 1585 | killed: 83k
5098 +24
abathur 159
apm: 39 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1505 | killed: 70k
5962 +24
hanhorner 68
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1464 | killed: 67k
5692 +24
655 -2
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 995 | killed: 57k
tychus 77
3890 -24
apm: 30 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 710 | killed: 75k
mengsk 62
2844 -24
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 640 | killed: 59k
fenix 7


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +419 <HISKI> Monkee
00:03 gas 1 +419 <HZXP> Heimdall
00:06 gas 1 +417 fhd
00:08 gas 1 +416 <HISKI> plehotron
00:08 gas 1 +416 AndreyU
00:16 gas 1 +412 gegio
00:37 first unit on mid
00:57 tier 2 <HISKI> plehotron
01:01 tier 2 gegio
01:32 gas 2 +299 <HISKI> Monkee
01:46 gas 2 +292 gegio
02:06 gas 2 +282 fhd
02:10 gas 2 +280 <HISKI> plehotron
02:25 gas 2 +272 <HZXP> Heimdall
02:36 tier 2 <HISKI> Monkee
03:00 gas 2 +255 AndreyU
03:02 gas 3 +179 <HISKI> Monkee
03:29 gas 3 +166 gegio
03:30 <HISKI> Monkee has been flagged as afk
03:36 gas 3 +162 fhd
03:36 tier 2 <HZXP> Heimdall
03:37 fhd good try =)
03:37 <HZXP> Heimdall fak sake
04:02 <HISKI> Monkee he jleft
04:04 <HISKI> Monkee what u mean
04:07 gas 3 +147 <HISKI> plehotron
04:23 <HISKI> Monkee aleks inc
04:24 <HISKI> Monkee !
04:44 bunker destroyed
04:48 <HISKI> Monkee oh noo
04:52 <HISKI> Monkee u took the cannon
04:55 <HISKI> Monkee what shal i do
04:58 <HISKI> plehotron sry 1st time
05:12 <HISKI> Monkee well gusee
05:17 <HISKI> Monkee i will also take your cannon
05:18 tier 2 fhd
05:23 <HISKI> Monkee or no (sad)
05:31 tier 2 AndreyU
05:32 cannon destroyed
05:38 gas 3 +101 <HZXP> Heimdall
05:49 <HISKI> Monkee man when i saw 3 sams from tychus
05:54 <HISKI> Monkee my confidence level grew
05:57 <HISKI> Monkee 10000 times
05:57 <HISKI> Monkee (rofl)
06:09 <HISKI> Monkee and now firebat vs banshees
06:55 <HISKI> Monkee SIRIUS ?
07:02 <HISKI> Monkee ARE YOU SIRIUS ?
07:08 <HISKI> Monkee GET IT ?
07:10 <HISKI> Monkee (rofl)
07:16 <HISKI> Monkee sirius are you SERIOUS ?
07:24 <HISKI> Monkee is a play on words
07:24 <HISKI> Monkee (rofl)
07:37 <HISKI> Monkee i'm very skilled in the humorous arts i might say
07:39 <HISKI> Monkee (rofl)
08:22 <HISKI> Monkee re you sirius ?
09:12 <HISKI> Monkee 2 sirius ?
10:00 gas 4 -105 <HISKI> Monkee
10:10 <HISKI> Monkee £ SIRIUS ?
10:11 <HISKI> Monkee 3
10:15 <HISKI> Monkee gof forbid
10:31 gas 4 -121 <HZXP> Heimdall
10:53 gas 4 -131 <HISKI> plehotron
11:14 tier 3 <HZXP> Heimdall
12:30 tier 3 <HISKI> plehotron
13:38 tier 3 gegio
14:13 gas 3 -156 AndreyU
15:42 gas 4 -276 fhd
18:07 <HISKI> Monkee this is getting sirius
18:59 <HISKI> Monkee siriously
19:00 <HISKI> Monkee gg
19:01 game ended
19:03 <HZXP> Heimdall gg