Game #1102155 — 2023-02-04

zerg 63
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1263 | killed: 126k
3816 +29
protoss 90
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1309 | killed: 144k
4590 +29
terran 24
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 968 | killed: 84k
1398 +29
1514 -29
apm: 18 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 533 | killed: 125k
protoss 8
2994 -29
apm: 26 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1809 | killed: 162k
terran 33
2062 -29
apm: 16 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 602 | killed: 35k
terran 1




average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +642 PReady
00:04 gas 1 +642 <TirolA> Executor
00:25 <TirolA> Executor Hi gl HF =)
00:38 <TirolA> Executor If you dont know how to use the gear, just ask =)
00:49 tier 2 <SChess> Украiна
00:58 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 <TirolA> Executor
01:02 gas 1 +612 Kepler
01:17 tier 2 PReady
01:21 tier 2 Kepler
01:30 gas 1 +300 GoodPasi
01:32 gas 2 +522 PReady
01:54 tier 3 <TirolA> Executor
03:02 gas 3 +402 PReady
03:05 gas 2 +177 GoodPasi
03:06 tier 2 GoodPasi
03:13 tier 3 Kepler
03:40 bunker destroyed
04:22 gas 1 +512 <SChess> Украiна
04:54 gas 2 +421 <TirolA> Executor
05:31 gas 2 +403 Kepler
05:32 gas 1 +477 ExoDiuS
06:27 gas 2 +375 <SChess> Украiна
06:46 tier 2 ExoDiuS
08:47 gas 3 +230 <SChess> Украiна
10:00 gas 4 +118 PReady
13:02 <TirolA> Executor Lurkrs FTW!!!!!!!!! and the EMPEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRR!!!
13:06 tier 3 PReady
13:28 tier 3 GoodPasi
14:10 cannon destroyed
14:12 gas 4 -8 <SChess> Украiна
14:25 <TirolA> Executor Gj -.......... ME
14:35 <SChess> Украiна hold my bear
15:01 <TirolA> Executor I will hold your Bear, although, I hope it does not scrath that much
15:06 PReady )))
16:15 <TirolA> Executor what's you bear called??
16:21 PReady tedy
16:22 <SChess> Украiна Putin
16:25 PReady -_-
16:29 <TirolA> Executor of course.....
16:31 leaver GoodPasi
16:46 <TirolA> Executor he could not handle Putin
16:49 tier 3 <SChess> Украiна
17:34 gas 2 +41 ExoDiuS
20:06 gas 3 -110 ExoDiuS
21:39 tier 3 ExoDiuS
24:41 gas 3 -247 Kepler
25:08 Kepler t4
25:18 tier 4 Kepler
25:28 tier 4 <SChess> Украiна
25:59 tier 4 PReady
26:05 tier 4 ExoDiuS
26:25 PReady gg
26:28 game ended