Game #1145285 — 2023-02-20

dehaka 218
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1410 | killed: 131k
3176 -77
fenix 12
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1427 | killed: 120k
1426 -77
mengsk 46
apm: 53 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 289 | killed: 38k
4780 -77
1900 +77
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1533 | killed: 99k
hanhorner 6
2811 +77
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1576 | killed: 105k
artanis 6
1937 +77
apm: 22 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1585 | killed: 105k
zagara 8


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +555 Douchebag
00:02 gas 1 +555 Rexadon
00:03 gas 1 +293 catJAM
00:16 gas 1 +547 <BSComm> Bluecomet
00:22 gas 1 +544 caliuss
00:36 gas 1 +538 <UKNOME> KnightOwl
00:38 first unit on mid
00:59 tier 2 catJAM
01:10 tier 2 <BSComm> Bluecomet
01:13 tier 2 caliuss
01:32 gas 2 +435 Douchebag
01:32 gas 2 +435 Rexadon
01:33 gas 2 +173 catJAM
01:48 tier 2 <UKNOME> KnightOwl
01:48 tier 3 caliuss
01:50 gas 2 +426 <BSComm> Bluecomet
01:55 gas 2 +423 caliuss
02:06 gas 2 +418 <UKNOME> KnightOwl
02:27 Douchebag did you guys see that bullshit
02:35 <BSComm> Bluecomet pooprocks?
02:35 Douchebag one stun and one spin
02:45 Douchebag hack to win i C
02:55 Rexadon oh what happened to my wave
03:02 gas 3 +315 Douchebag
03:03 gas 3 +53 catJAM
03:06 Douchebag |here it is again
03:09 tier 2 Rexadon
03:18 gas 3 +306 Rexadon
03:24 tier 3 <UKNOME> KnightOwl
03:35 gas 3 +298 <BSComm> Bluecomet
03:36 gas 3 +298 <UKNOME> KnightOwl
03:44 tier 3 <BSComm> Bluecomet
03:56 gas 3 +288 caliuss
04:03 tier 3 catJAM
04:10 tier 2 Douchebag
04:13 tier 3 Rexadon
09:58 tier 3 Douchebag
10:00 gas 4 +31 Douchebag
10:00 gas 4 -230 catJAM
10:00 gas 4 +31 <BSComm> Bluecomet
10:00 gas 4 +31 Rexadon
10:00 gas 4 +31 <UKNOME> KnightOwl
10:03 gas 4 +29 caliuss
14:50 leaver catJAM
15:32 bunker destroyed
17:36 cannon destroyed
20:05 Rexadon gg
23:29 <UKNOME> KnightOwl (gg)
23:32 game ended
23:33 Rexadon gg