Game #1171787 — 2023-02-27

zerg 28
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 440 | killed: 25k
2750 +39
terran 100
apm: 44 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: -81 | killed: 45k
4436 +39
terran 54
apm: 13 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: -67 | killed: 21k
4185 +39
3616 -39
apm: 8 | gas: 0 | tier: 3
minerals: 0 | killed: 32k
protoss 1383
1245 -39
apm: 19 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 198 | killed: 29k
terran 128
1267 -39
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: -549 | killed: 23k
protoss 37


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:19 PizzaTime glhf boyz (rainbow)(hearts)(rainbow)
00:37 first unit on mid
00:48 tier 2 <UpeV> ZenDhelo
00:50 tier 2 PizzaTime
00:51 tier 2 <Illini> Neverland
00:58 tier 2 Spazmire
03:18 gas 1 +178 <UpeV> ZenDhelo
03:34 PizzaTime they nerged the raven lol
05:37 tier 2 <SC2BOL> AvaThaR
06:04 gas 2 +20 <UpeV> ZenDhelo
06:05 tier 2 MoZLiN
07:27 gas 1 +53 <SC2BOL> AvaThaR
07:34 gas 1 +50 MoZLiN
07:35 PizzaTime gee gee boyz
07:37 gas 1 +48 PizzaTime
07:39 cannon destroyed
07:42 gas 1 +46 <Illini> Neverland
08:27 PizzaTime still wild they nerfed the raven lol
08:46 <SC2BOL> AvaThaR nop stupd terran
08:48 tier 3 Spazmire
08:53 tier 3 <SC2BOL> AvaThaR
08:57 gas 2 -67 <SC2BOL> AvaThaR
09:04 gas 2 -70 MoZLiN
09:07 gas 2 -72 PizzaTime
09:18 gas 2 -77 <Illini> Neverland
09:58 tier 3 MoZLiN
10:37 gas 3 -192 <SC2BOL> AvaThaR
10:37 gas 3 -192 PizzaTime
10:51 tier 3 <Illini> Neverland
11:06 gas 3 -206 MoZLiN
11:17 tier 3 PizzaTime
12:27 gas 4 -322 PizzaTime
12:36 gas 4 -326 MoZLiN
13:09 gas 4 -343 <SC2BOL> AvaThaR
14:10 PizzaTime gee gee
14:11 <UpeV> ZenDhelo you green stupid
14:13 Spazmire gg
14:14 game ended