Game #1177209 — 2023-02-28

terran 510
apm: 16 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 1114 | killed: 56k
4890 +11
terran 293
apm: 40 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1138 | killed: 67k
5792 +11
zerg 622
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 1121 | killed: 33k
5078 +11
1747 -11
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 458 | killed: 44k
protoss 7
2214 -11
apm: 5 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 420 | killed: 43k
protoss 42
1681 -11
apm: 11 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 604 | killed: 39k
terran 8


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +375 Callum
00:37 first unit on mid
00:51 Callum how to play
01:00 tier 2 Callum
01:09 <GSNBS> Alex play what
01:14 Callum starcraft this version
01:21 tier 2 <DSRTN> Asketic
01:32 <GSNBS> Alex you should check it in youtube
01:35 <DIRSTK> STF like chess
01:43 Callum ok king pawn 2
01:43 tier 3 Callum
01:52 Callum nothing happened
02:02 <GSNBS> Alex it will in 7-8 min
02:09 Callum are u trolling me?
02:17 <GSNBS> Alex (rofl)
02:24 <GSNBS> Alex have you played castle fight
02:27 Callum never
02:30 <GSNBS> Alex you place units and in 1 min they spawn
02:33 <GSNBS> Alex that's basically it
02:34 <DIRSTK> STF ask u r teamate
02:39 cannon destroyed
02:42 gas 1 +295 <DSRTN> Asketic
03:08 gas 1 +282 <GSNBS> Alex
03:09 gas 1 +282 COYOTE
03:10 gas 1 +281 <DIRSTK> STF
03:17 Callum my teammates are gods of sc
03:48 tier 2 <GSNBS> Alex
04:24 tier 2 COYOTE
04:39 gas 1 +237 Levi
05:18 tier 3 <DSRTN> Asketic
05:33 tier 2 Levi
06:01 tier 2 <DIRSTK> STF
06:34 gas 2 +104 Callum
06:37 Callum this game is kinda hard
06:39 bunker destroyed
06:42 Callum btw that chess thing did nothing
06:44 Callum its been 6 minutes
06:47 Callum u guys are assholes
06:50 gas 2 +96 Levi
07:40 <GSNBS> Alex well we made a sacrifice
07:46 <DSRTN> Asketic looks like the game is over. you can go under your bridge again
08:12 Callum :P
09:36 gas 2 +13 COYOTE
09:43 gas 2 +10 <DSRTN> Asketic
09:50 gas 2 +6 <GSNBS> Alex
13:02 tier 3 <DIRSTK> STF
17:22 tier 3 COYOTE
17:23 <GSNBS> Alex checkmate
17:30 Callum i knew this was a chess game
17:31 Callum dammit
17:32 <GSNBS> Alex y
17:33 game ended