Game #1196361 — 2023-03-02

stukov 4
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 468 | killed: 10k
1514 +48
zagara 3
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 494 | killed: 14k
2018 +48
raynor 2
apm: 16 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 721 | killed: 13k
1967 +48
964 -4
apm: 9 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 136 | killed: 8k
karax 70
1756 -48
apm: 9 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 137 | killed: 15k
vorazun 10
803 -4
apm: 16 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 132 | killed: 11k
zagara 89


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +137 XeNoX
00:05 gas 1 +136 YoYoABC
00:13 gas 1 +132 worncrayfish
00:30 gas 1 +123 <KGH6> LushSundays
00:36 <KGH6> LushSundays have fun you flaming dogs
00:37 first unit on mid
00:42 gas 1 +117 PacMan
00:46 XeNoX glhf
00:48 YoYoABC i wanna have a lushy sunday
00:53 YoYoABC how do i get that, daddi
01:00 tier 2 XeNoX
01:01 tier 2 worncrayfish
01:11 tier 2 SukuraSnow
01:12 tier 2 YoYoABC
01:18 <KGH6> LushSundays Win this game and Ill buy you that handbag youve always wanted
01:21 gas 1 +98 SukuraSnow
01:23 YoYoABC ok daddi
01:31 YoYoABC can i ask uncle bob to join us?
01:47 <KGH6> LushSundays we dont need to involve uncle
01:55 tier 2 PacMan
02:00 YoYoABC ok daddi will u be extra gentle?
02:11 worncrayfish wtf
02:12 YoYoABC last night u hurt me too much
02:19 <KGH6> LushSundays come on mate
02:22 YoYoABC it still sore
02:28 gas 2 -11 <KGH6> LushSundays
02:29 YoYoABC LOL!
02:42 <KGH6> LushSundays pull ya head in
02:49 YoYoABC ok daddi
03:07 YoYoABC daddi can i tell u a secret?
03:34 YoYoABC uncle joe sniffed my hair again last night
03:38 tier 3 worncrayfish
04:31 tier 3 YoYoABC
04:33 YoYoABC uncle joe sniffed me while uncle trump was busy taping everything down from his phone
04:47 <KGH6> LushSundays smh
04:55 tier 2 <KGH6> LushSundays
05:00 YoYoABC LOL!
07:09 cannon destroyed
07:52 gas 3 -248 <KGH6> LushSundays
09:03 gas 2 -208 SukuraSnow
09:38 game ended