Game #1226701 — 2023-03-16

select 1
apm: 6 | gas: 0 | tier: 5
minerals: 125 | killed: 432k
864 -3
abathur 10
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 2382 | killed: 125k
863 -3
nova 2
apm: 16 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 2233 | killed: 712k
2099 -33
3402 +33
apm: 18 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 3434 | killed: 538k
nova 37
1719 +33
apm: 11 | gas: 0 | tier: 5
minerals: 1164 | killed: 411k
select 1
1784 +33
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 3140 | killed: 134k
dehaka 2


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +806 tissid
00:08 gas 1 +804 Spikymaus
00:15 gas 1 +800 Quaraz
00:48 first unit on mid
01:19 tier 2 tissid
01:24 gas 1 +765 Ninja
01:41 tier 2 Quaraz
01:45 gas 2 +680 Quaraz
01:46 gas 2 +679 Spikymaus
01:48 tier 2 Aragon
02:17 tier 2 Slow
02:27 gas 2 +659 tissid
02:37 tier 2 Ninja
03:17 gas 3 +559 Spikymaus
03:18 gas 2 +633 Ninja
03:31 gas 3 +552 Quaraz
03:35 tier 3 Quaraz
04:02 tier 2 Spikymaus
04:03 gas 3 +536 tissid
04:37 tier 3 Spikymaus
06:21 tier 3 Aragon
06:29 bunker destroyed
06:49 tier 3 Slow
06:49 tier 3 tissid
07:49 gas 3 +423 Ninja
09:03 tier 3 Ninja
10:27 gas 4 +269 tissid
12:14 gas 4 +215 Spikymaus
14:15 gas 4 +155 Ninja
16:52 gas 4 +76 Quaraz
18:10 cannon destroyed
19:43 Slow orange is noob, cant play...
19:49 Slow uses shit units that just ffeds
20:07 Quaraz You are playing zeratul, can you really say anything ?
20:12 Slow yea
20:14 Slow I dont feed
20:28 Spikymaus at least you don´t compare him (rofl)
20:32 Quaraz Playing zeratul, the most OP commander of this brawl
20:54 Slow playing any commander you can play different ways. Orange choose wrong one
21:12 tissid atleast there will be a new brawl today
21:20 tissid tired of zeratul lol
21:37 tissid played it once, pretty disgusting
21:38 Slow I dont like matches where all 3 spawn together. Too much lags
21:45 tissid if u dont have tanks its over
22:03 Spikymaus slow pc you have,
22:18 Slow not really, just game is not designed for so many units
22:30 Slow 3080 should be enough for SC2
24:44 Slow 4k ravagers are OP as well
25:05 Quaraz You havent seen 18k guardians or 27k devourers
25:13 tier 4 Spikymaus
25:13 tier 4 Slow
25:13 tier 4 Aragon
25:18 Slow what was guardian?
25:32 tier 4 Ninja
25:40 tissid had a 90min game yesterday
25:40 Quaraz Not sure of the name but the air siege unit of aba
25:46 Quaraz Its broodlord of sort
25:51 tissid finally just quit the game
25:57 Slow oh yea
26:03 Slow damn 18k guardian
26:09 tier 4 tissid
28:53 tissid lol
29:11 tissid tanks taking the long way around
30:03 tier 5 Spikymaus
30:03 tier 5 Aragon
30:03 tier 5 Slow
30:07 tier 5 Ninja
31:27 tier 5 tissid
31:51 tissid lool
31:54 Slow gg
31:55 Quaraz lol
31:56 tissid no fucking way
31:56 game ended
31:56 Quaraz gg
31:57 Slow thats some random luck