Game #1247781 — 2022-12-23

terran 2
apm: 9 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 91k
1657 -12
protoss 32
apm: 11 | gas: 0 | tier: 1
minerals: 0 | killed: 5k
1878 -12
zerg 274
apm: 13 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 4k
2989 -12
2189 +12
apm: 20 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 521 | killed: 40k
terran 35
1910 +12
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 759 | killed: 54k
protoss 53
6497 +12
apm: 16 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 505 | killed: 40k
terran 571


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 FpLu gl hf
00:39 first unit on mid
03:27 tier 2 Cizzle
04:27 Cizzle gj 100 berserk vs 100 adept
04:36 Pesusieni berserk (rofl)
04:51 LizardWizard he just needs more
04:53 LizardWizard (speechless)
04:55 FpLu deutsche ?
04:58 Cizzle rite (rofl)^^
05:03 leaver Cizzle
05:07 bunker destroyed
05:15 FpLu lustig .... hab damals auch immer berserk geschrieben (rofl)
05:17 GriM went fast t3 and then left
05:19 GriM nice
05:46 gas 1 +150 Pesusieni
05:50 gas 1 +148 LizardWizard
05:51 leaver GriM
05:52 tier 2 Pesusieni
05:55 tier 2 klop
05:55 Pesusieni gg kys
05:57 Pesusieni kys gg
06:03 klop 4pok
06:06 gas 1 +140 FpLu
06:12 Pesusieni 4pok?
06:15 tier 2 LizardWizard
06:48 klop 4poknu vas
06:51 tier 2 FpLu
06:55 Pesusieni learn english (rofl)
07:16 klop amerikan boy
07:21 Pesusieni putin lover (rofl)
07:25 LizardWizard Putinist xD
07:26 tier 3 FpLu
07:36 gas 2 +20 FpLu
08:08 gas 2 +4 Pesusieni
08:10 klop kak uznali
08:12 gas 2 +2 LizardWizard
08:14 Pesusieni ime lekaa
08:19 LizardWizard learn English xD
09:06 gas 3 -100 FpLu
09:30 tier 3 Pesusieni
10:05 LizardWizard You are only in the game because we allow you
10:08 LizardWizard =^-^=
10:18 Pesusieni please dont surrender
10:30 gas 3 -142 Pesusieni
10:31 tier 3 LizardWizard
10:35 klop 4poknu vas vsex
10:46 LizardWizard vsex = cyber sex ?
10:51 Pesusieni i had vsex with your mom
11:04 klop spasibo
11:11 Pesusieni retardo
11:20 LizardWizard Putin is big gay ))))
11:35 klop no rikardo
11:50 klop pedrilio
12:06 LizardWizard I am homesexual
12:12 LizardWizard And I love dick (happy)
12:15 Pesusieni i am male lesbian
12:30 klop big dick
12:34 Pesusieni energy
12:36 gas 3 -205 LizardWizard
12:42 LizardWizard mmm =^-^=
13:25 LizardWizard You like big dick?
13:25 gas 4 -305 Pesusieni
13:27 LizardWizard xD
13:30 klop zdavaites
13:31 Pesusieni i like big pussy
13:45 LizardWizard I like bussy
13:54 Pesusieni i like trains
13:57 klop ZdaVaites
14:02 Pesusieni no se
14:05 LizardWizard vsex
14:28 klop tobi pizda
15:31 Pesusieni we have 10 gas now
15:34 gas 4 -369 FpLu
15:35 Pesusieni perish
15:44 LizardWizard Ni
15:46 FpLu gg
15:46 LizardWizard er
15:47 game ended