Game #1277538 — 2023-04-05

hanhorner 11
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 6
minerals: 1861 | killed: 308k
977 +8
abathur 17
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 6
minerals: 2998 | killed: 242k
2232 +82
artanis 3
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 6
minerals: 1513 | killed: 259k
966 +8
2717 -82
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 6
minerals: 2501 | killed: 287k
raynor 75
4731 -82
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 6
minerals: 3119 | killed: 243k
vorazun 60
904 -8
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 6
minerals: 2975 | killed: 199k
artanis 73


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +1051 guigx
00:06 gas 1 +1049 Andy
00:07 gas 1 +1049 aurash
00:23 gas 1 +1041 <GSNBS> Panikroom
00:33 gas 1 +1036 Kachechka
00:50 gas 1 +1027 KBHPLAYS
01:00 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 guigx
01:00 tier 2 Andy
01:00 tier 2 aurash
01:08 tier 2 <GSNBS> Panikroom
01:35 tier 2 KBHPLAYS
01:36 gas 2 +929 guigx
01:39 gas 2 +928 Andy
02:25 gas 2 +905 Kachechka
03:03 gas 2 +886 <GSNBS> Panikroom
04:07 gas 3 +779 guigx
05:09 bunker destroyed
05:11 gas 3 +747 Kachechka
08:11 KBHPLAYS You guys wanna trade? you can have our abathur
08:39 aurash abashitstain
09:04 tier 2 Kachechka
09:18 aurash wp boys
09:21 KBHPLAYS He's not making ravager vs stalkers (sad)
09:23 tier 3 Andy
09:29 KBHPLAYS We're so doomed bruh
09:44 KBHPLAYS make swarm hosts vs stalkers smh (scared)
10:32 gas 3 +586 <GSNBS> Panikroom
12:20 KBHPLAYS POV:You are carrying abathur
12:32 aurash aba GOD
12:41 KBHPLAYS We're carrying him lol he aint carrying us
12:59 KBHPLAYS It's a POV not a statement lmfao
13:05 gas 2 +585 KBHPLAYS
14:08 KBHPLAYS Still very losable with stalkers leaking
14:26 KBHPLAYS Abathur you need ravengers before it's too late
14:27 gas 2 +544 aurash
15:00 tier 3 <GSNBS> Panikroom
15:28 KBHPLAYS Abathrowing
16:02 KBHPLAYS Why do i hear boss music?
16:16 KBHPLAYS Oh a hyperion, oh we dead (rofl)
16:16 Kachechka drugs
16:21 gas 4 +337 <GSNBS> Panikroom
16:35 KBHPLAYS Yeah bruh just brought some of that hyperion from a drug dealer, this shit hits hard
16:47 gas 3 +399 Andy
17:23 gas 4 +306 Kachechka
18:22 tier 3 aurash
19:28 tier 3 guigx
22:51 tier 3 KBHPLAYS
23:21 cannon destroyed
25:13 tier 4 guigx
25:23 tier 4 Andy
25:23 tier 3 Kachechka
25:25 tier 4 KBHPLAYS
25:55 tier 4 Kachechka
26:16 tier 4 <GSNBS> Panikroom
27:23 gas 3 +81 aurash
27:54 tier 4 aurash
29:19 gas 4 -52 aurash
30:05 tier 5 KBHPLAYS
30:14 tier 5 aurash
30:19 tier 5 <GSNBS> Panikroom
30:45 tier 5 guigx
30:55 tier 5 Kachechka
30:57 tier 5 Andy
32:01 gas 3 -58 KBHPLAYS
35:03 tier 6 Kachechka
35:03 tier 6 <GSNBS> Panikroom
35:14 tier 6 guigx
35:15 tier 6 KBHPLAYS
35:16 <GSNBS> Panikroom gg
35:31 tier 6 Andy
35:32 KBHPLAYS Might be GG soon, not sure tho
35:49 KBHPLAYS Blink and they can comeback xD
36:08 KBHPLAYS Wanna hear a funny joke? 36 mins and abathur has 0 ravangers
36:46 tier 6 aurash
36:54 gas 4 -280 KBHPLAYS
40:02 KBHPLAYS GG at last
40:02 Kachechka gg
40:05 guigx gg
40:06 game ended
40:06 aurash gg
40:23 KBHPLAYS abathur lowest damage what a suprise