Game #1281189 — 2023-04-08

stukov 15
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1129 | killed: 60k
2465 -0
fenix 54
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1110 | killed: 59k
3648 -0
stetmann 24
apm: 5 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1127 | killed: 51k
3493 -0
2290 +0
apm: 16 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 551 | killed: 77k
artanis 6
3066 -42
apm: 6 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 355 | killed: 45k
nova 125
1640 +0
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 841 | killed: 75k
karax 12


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +431 <DSVt> DeVilKoRn
00:05 gas 1 +430 <FFPA> HappySilent
00:13 gas 1 +426 AGONY
00:16 gas 1 +355 drvkize
00:29 gas 1 +418 <PrvlZ> gergi
00:33 gas 1 +416 <Kalisé> LaNouti
00:51 tier 2 <Kalisé> LaNouti
01:00 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 <DSVt> DeVilKoRn
01:00 tier 2 AGONY
01:01 tier 2 <FFPA> HappySilent
01:54 tier 2 drvkize
02:00 gas 2 +298 <PrvlZ> gergi
02:27 tier 3 AGONY
03:13 tier 2 <PrvlZ> gergi
03:46 tier 3 <DSVt> DeVilKoRn
07:41 gas 2 +127 <Kalisé> LaNouti
08:16 gas 2 +110 <DSVt> DeVilKoRn
08:47 gas 2 +94 <FFPA> HappySilent
09:00 tier 3 <PrvlZ> gergi
12:45 tier 3 <FFPA> HappySilent
17:06 leaver drvkize
17:16 AGONY these people i cant
17:26 cannon destroyed
17:30 AGONY contesting corrupters with support carriers
18:38 tier 3 <Kalisé> LaNouti
18:50 bunker destroyed
19:21 <DSVt> DeVilKoRn bg
19:26 AGONY huh?
19:27 game ended
19:28 AGONY what was that
19:33 <PrvlZ> gergi carriers