Game #1282116 — 2023-03-11

terran 27
apm: 27 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1155 | killed: 115k
2310 +43
terran 74
apm: 13 | gas: 2 | tier: 4
minerals: 898 | killed: 120k
1444 +43
zerg 13
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 1241 | killed: 129k
2206 +43
1741 -43
apm: 5 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 860 | killed: 128k
protoss 56
1492 -43
apm: 23 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 151 | killed: 48k
zerg 16
1343 -43
apm: 9 | gas: 0 | tier: 3
minerals: 125 | killed: 100k
zerg 4


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:37 first unit on mid
00:46 tier 2 OrAzur
01:52 tier 2 NeoJustFunnn
02:00 tier 2 Dengar
02:20 tier 2 LaATAK
03:12 tier 2 Макс
04:30 cannon destroyed
04:32 gas 1 +518 OrAzur
06:34 bunker destroyed
06:37 gas 1 +210 Dengar
06:58 gas 1 +445 NeoJustFunnn
07:11 tier 2 Debosh
07:14 gas 1 +437 Debosh
07:15 gas 1 +436 Макс
09:21 gas 2 +298 Debosh
09:39 gas 2 +289 NeoJustFunnn
10:07 gas 2 +275 OrAzur
10:37 tier 3 LaATAK
10:42 tier 3 Макс
11:20 gas 3 +164 NeoJustFunnn
13:31 tier 3 OrAzur
14:14 gas 3 +76 OrAzur
15:20 gas 2 +119 Макс
16:12 gas 4 -57 OrAzur
17:04 tier 3 Debosh
17:13 tier 3 NeoJustFunnn
17:15 gas 2 -184 Dengar
18:38 leaver Dengar
19:28 OrAzur u have no detector fyi
19:43 Debosh i have
19:52 OrAzur the other player i meant
21:05 OrAzur protoss you were very strong at beginning
21:09 OrAzur how did you get so many units
21:12 OrAzur was really striuggling
21:49 Debosh adepts have bonus vs light units so they are very good against helbat
21:56 OrAzur makes sense
22:16 OrAzur zerg comp wasnt good enough ultimately
25:16 OrAzur gl for next wave
25:27 tier 4 Макс
25:32 tier 4 OrAzur
25:36 OrAzur i just dumped 3k in ghosts
25:47 tier 4 NeoJustFunnn
26:48 Макс GG
26:48 game ended