Game #1292385 — 2023-04-11

swann 49
apm: 46 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1194 | killed: 64k
5760 +3
kerrigan 816
apm: 33 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1036 | killed: 79k
8741 +3
tychus 1327
apm: 34 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1047 | killed: 27k
7141 +3
1970 -3
apm: 16 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 658 | killed: 52k
abathur 12
994 -1
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 347 | killed: 43k
artanis 17
2562 -3
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 469 | killed: 52k
tychus 71


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +409 Feralan
00:09 gas 1 +406 <DSRTNG> Dima
00:09 gas 1 +406 <ClanHs> Levetia
00:10 <DSRTNG> Dima (glhf)
00:10 <DSRTNG> Dima Direct Strike MMR
00:16 gas 1 +402 Edge
00:18 gas 1 +401 <nyber> DEXTER
00:37 first unit on mid
01:25 tier 2 <ClanHs> Levetia
01:34 tier 2 Edge
01:43 tier 2 Feralan
02:22 tier 3 <ClanHs> Levetia
02:37 gas 2 +257 <ClanHs> Levetia
03:26 gas 2 +232 <DSRTNG> Dima
04:03 gas 1 +289 vivio
04:54 gas 2 +188 <nyber> DEXTER
05:11 tier 3 Edge
06:48 gas 2 +131 Edge
07:00 gas 2 +125 Feralan
07:00 tier 2 vivio
07:13 <DSRTNG> Dima our swann won!!
07:21 <DSRTNG> Dima let's celebrate!
07:25 <ClanHs> Levetia Whats a swann
07:38 <DSRTNG> Dima that weakest commander that never wins
07:42 gas 3 +29 <ClanHs> Levetia
07:45 <ClanHs> Levetia Its okay I got more gas then you
07:46 <ClanHs> Levetia We win
07:50 <ClanHs> Levetia (rofl)
07:57 gas 3 +22 <DSRTNG> Dima
08:02 <DSRTNG> Dima that's your fault as well
08:14 <DSRTNG> Dima I was not sure if you'll throw too hard
08:22 tier 3 Feralan
10:00 gas 4 -115 <DSRTNG> Dima
10:55 <DSRTNG> Dima good thing our kerrigan is good )
11:04 <ClanHs> Levetia You ok bro?
11:52 <DSRTNG> Dima you? see this orange units?
12:30 cannon destroyed
13:06 tier 2 <DSRTNG> Dima
13:24 gas 2 -67 vivio
14:24 tier 3 <DSRTNG> Dima
16:43 bunker destroyed
16:51 gas 3 -245 <nyber> DEXTER
17:57 tier 2 <nyber> DEXTER
18:37 Feralan |gg
18:39 <ClanHs> Levetia Gg
18:40 <DSRTNG> Dima (gg)
18:40 <DSRTNG> Dima your MMR at
18:42 game ended