Game #1372780 — 2023-05-09

protoss 34
apm: 19 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 590 | killed: 42k
2302 +0
protoss 5
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 412 | killed: 38k
1820 +0
terran 476
apm: 36 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 230 | killed: 1k
2753 -37
878 -0
apm: 16 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 318 | killed: 39k
zerg 40
3685 -0
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 189 | killed: 28k
protoss 3261
2107 -0
apm: 16 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 371 | killed: 36k
zerg 223


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:36 first unit on mid
01:25 gas 1 +279 <MNDZ> Hexe
02:02 tier 2 abc
02:55 gas 2 +159 <MNDZ> Hexe
03:04 tier 2 Juffax
03:42 bunker destroyed
03:43 leaver abc
03:44 gas 1 +210 GrozaG
03:45 gas 1 +209 ihottuma
04:17 gas 1 +193 Juffax
04:32 tier 2 ihottuma
04:40 gas 3 +31 <MNDZ> Hexe
05:15 gas 2 +89 ihottuma
05:24 tier 3 ihottuma
05:50 tier 2 <MNDZ> Hexe
06:45 gas 3 -31 ihottuma
07:18 cannon destroyed
07:24 gas 2 +25 GrozaG
07:26 gas 1 +99 paulxd
08:30 tier 2 paulxd
09:36 gas 2 -42 paulxd
10:00 gas 4 -203 ihottuma
10:01 tier 2 GrozaG
10:39 gas 4 -223 <MNDZ> Hexe
11:42 tier 3 GrozaG
11:48 tier 3 paulxd
13:38 <MNDZ> Hexe there's our win but you won't be able to enjoy it because you can't blame me anymore, right?
13:46 tier 3 <MNDZ> Hexe
15:44 game ended