Game #1386131 — 2023-05-17

alarak 141
apm: 12 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 667 | killed: 67k
5776 -0
swann 1183
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1639 | killed: 95k
5599 -0
swann 140
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1187 | killed: 100k
5279 -0
1510 +0
apm: 11 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 721 | killed: 92k
raynor 52
1960 -18
apm: 23 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 256 | killed: 35k
tychus 2
3172 +0
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1085 | killed: 127k
zagara 95


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:01 gas 1 +556 <EzGGHo> Therapist
00:03 gas 1 +555 <PPclan> ZeroExE
00:10 gas 1 +405 xXeliasXx
00:17 gas 1 +548 <SP1T> DiabolicalGG
00:36 first unit on mid
00:51 gas 1 +531 Justin
00:54 tier 2 xXeliasXx
01:00 tier 2 <EzGGHo> Therapist
01:07 tier 2 <EzBr3z> DarthEvil
01:36 tier 2 Justin
02:18 gas 2 +412 <SP1T> DiabolicalGG
02:33 tier 2 <SP1T> DiabolicalGG
02:44 gas 2 +399 Justin
03:23 gas 2 +380 <EzGGHo> Therapist
03:39 tier 2 <PPclan> ZeroExE
04:20 gas 3 +276 Justin
05:08 tier 3 <EzGGHo> Therapist
05:44 tier 3 <EzBr3z> DarthEvil
09:43 gas 1 +265 <EzBr3z> DarthEvil
10:00 gas 4 +31 Justin
10:11 tier 3 <SP1T> DiabolicalGG
10:20 tier 3 <PPclan> ZeroExE
10:29 gas 3 +92 <EzGGHo> Therapist
11:59 <EzGGHo> Therapist i to enjoy making units that my enemy has already countered. congrats on being special education raynor.
12:18 <EzGGHo> Therapist actually thats insulting to special education students.
12:27 tier 3 Justin
13:02 <PPclan> ZeroExE bet that helps ur self confidence. insult people on the internet
13:11 <PPclan> ZeroExE ironic with a name therapist.
13:13 <EzGGHo> Therapist coming from the Peepee toucher clan
13:21 <PPclan> ZeroExE not an insult to anyone
13:47 Justin ironic
13:59 <EzGGHo> Therapist sex offender registry guy knows all
14:33 <PPclan> ZeroExE you can say what you want, insulting people you dont know? nothing to gain from it
14:42 gas 2 +41 <PPclan> ZeroExE
14:45 tier 3 xXeliasXx
14:48 <EzGGHo> Therapist but we gotta warn the public about you
14:53 Justin pp toucher is big mad
14:58 <PPclan> ZeroExE Its a form of cyber bullying. no rather that is bullying.
15:09 <EzBr3z> DarthEvil CYBER BULLYING LOL
15:12 <PPclan> ZeroExE not in the slightest.
15:26 Justin stop guys, youre gonna offend they/them
15:35 <EzGGHo> Therapist call 988
15:56 <EzGGHo> Therapist TheRapist is having his way with the peepee toucher
16:08 gas 2 -149 xXeliasXx
16:12 cannon destroyed
16:15 <PPclan> ZeroExE well something you may not think about, people use video games as a form of entertainment and life escape.
16:27 <EzGGHo> Therapist only because their lives suck
16:30 <PPclan> ZeroExE you dont know if the person you're insulting is having a rough life.
16:34 <EzBr3z> DarthEvil something you may not think about, we don't give a fck
16:47 <PPclan> ZeroExE clearly.
17:11 Justin It's ok, as long as we're still forced to pay into the food stamp program you'll still be able to eat
17:25 <EzGGHo> Therapist because your to exhausted to get out of bed
18:26 <EzGGHo> Therapist help me obi wan kenobi.... my life sucks
18:41 leaver xXeliasXx
18:47 <EzBr3z> DarthEvil lol bullied
19:08 gas 4 -243 <EzGGHo> Therapist
21:22 bunker destroyed
23:30 <PPclan> ZeroExE losing to special needs, thats gotts hurt your ego
23:31 <SP1T> DiabolicalGG GG
23:34 game ended
23:36 <EzBr3z> DarthEvil leavers gonna leave
23:39 Justin that autism strength