Game #1417557 — 2023-05-27

protoss 48
apm: 8 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: -83 | killed: 55k
1360 -18
protoss 81
apm: 15 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 32k
3325 -18
protoss 85
apm: 12 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 5k
2154 -18
1968 +18
apm: 5 | gas: 0 | tier: 3
minerals: 677 | killed: 25k
protoss 5
1213 +18
apm: 8 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 677 | killed: 42k
terran 13
6041 +18
apm: 29 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 827 | killed: 55k
zerg 491


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:36 first unit on mid
00:49 tier 2 Zaros
01:52 tier 2 BurtxD
02:05 tier 2 <ETH2> PatatePowa
02:32 HotMomma drugs aren't cool guys
02:47 Zaros not doing the right ones then
02:59 HotMomma idk they not cool
04:47 tier 2 <DSTFTW> Dimplez
04:51 HotMomma you guys remember the D.A.R.E program?
04:58 tier 2 TheDangleMan
05:03 HotMomma tthat was the feds telling us to do drugs
05:11 bunker destroyed
05:13 gas 1 +150 <ETH2> PatatePowa
05:52 tier 3 Zaros
06:03 leaver BurtxD
06:17 HotMomma he couldn't handle the truth about drugs
06:42 Zaros lol
06:46 tier 2 HotMomma
07:05 <ETH2> PatatePowa kids these cant be degy by taking drugs anymore so they say no to drugs to be edgy?
07:28 HotMomma bro if you take drugs ur a bad person
07:28 Zaros makes sense
07:40 tier 3 TheDangleMan
07:41 HotMomma jesus christ doesn
07:44 HotMomma like it
08:12 HotMomma all drugs including viagra should be banned
09:05 <ETH2> PatatePowa drugs should b ein food pyramid
09:11 <ETH2> PatatePowa replace vedgetables
09:42 HotMomma jesus wants to help you eat veggie
12:20 HotMomma i just really don't want any of my bros to do drugs
12:35 leaver <DSTFTW> Dimplez
12:45 HotMomma another bro taken by drugs
12:59 <ETH2> PatatePowa youre pretty bad at preventing drug use
13:01 gas 1 -83 TheDangleMan
13:06 <ETH2> PatatePowa dont know what jesus will think of you
13:14 HotMomma im sorry bros im gonna try harder
14:36 HotMomma just think of it this way
14:48 HotMomma if you do drugs no one will every love you or care about you
14:55 Zaros false
15:03 <ETH2> PatatePowa BASED
15:14 HotMomma ggwp drugs
15:15 game ended