Game #1422240 — 2023-05-29

protoss 3389
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: -160 | killed: 5k
8775 +8
zerg 419
apm: 55 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 33 | killed: 6k
6945 +8
terran 1116
apm: 75 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 265 | killed: 10k
5989 +8
2922 -8
apm: 15 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: -96 | killed: 3k
protoss 25
4496 -8
apm: 16 | gas: 0 | tier: 3
minerals: 0 | killed: 3k
terran 164
1863 -8
apm: 8 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 5k
protoss 2


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:40 first unit on mid
00:53 tier 2 <TRLM> DrinkAndSex
01:03 tier 2 Serafym
01:14 tier 2 <TRLM> AmoN
01:43 tier 2 Genesis
02:18 tier 3 Genesis
03:41 gas 1 -40 <TRLM> DrinkAndSex
04:42 gas 1 -70 <TRLM> AmoN
04:44 Serafym how the fuck am i supposed to win with these assholes?
04:53 <DSKING> Xeros u cant, leave
04:59 Serafym idd
05:04 tier 2 <DSKING> Xeros
05:08 cannon destroyed
05:12 gas 2 -160 <TRLM> DrinkAndSex
05:21 gas 1 -90 <DSKING> Xeros
05:33 gas 1 -96 Serafym
05:40 <TRLM> AmoN lol wtf
05:46 tier 3 <TRLM> AmoN
05:49 Serafym retards
05:55 tier 2 oli
05:55 Serafym my man massed sentries..
06:01 Genesis you are the retard
06:04 Genesis you keep leaking noob
06:05 Serafym clearly
06:33 afk Genesis
06:33 Genesis you want me to deal with your shit libs, the toss and my zerg wave
06:36 Genesis you stupid noob
06:41 Serafym libs arent mine asshole
06:43 Serafym toss is mine
06:50 Serafym and i leaked toss because i also had to deal with libs
06:51 tier 3 Serafym
06:52 <DSKING> Xeros interesting.....
06:56 gas 2 -212 <DSKING> Xeros
06:57 Genesis you didnt defeat a single wave noob
06:57 leaver oli
07:12 gas 3 -295 <TRLM> DrinkAndSex
07:20 Serafym fu
07:22 game ended