Game #1438548 — 2023-06-07

mengsk 56
apm: 23 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 403 | killed: 31k
3856 +61
abathur 33
apm: 33 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 779 | killed: 19k
1776 +61
raynor 1
apm: 19 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 581 | killed: 34k
1726 +61
883 -6
apm: 6 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 199 | killed: 25k
swann 6
1773 -61
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 100 | killed: 18k
abathur 9
4503 -61
apm: 30 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 167 | killed: 25k
zagara 34


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 +243 JaredS
00:10 SpiritofSam greetings glhf
00:12 gas 1 +239 SpiritofSam
00:16 gas 1 +237 Scoopsterdoo
00:17 JaredS nah i kept kicking the gay barcode
00:22 JaredS they always leave and get mad
00:25 lllllIIIIIII nope
00:28 JaredS im racist that way
00:31 gas 1 +229 Sidetrak
00:37 first unit on mid
00:44 lllllIIIIIII man you just hit like 2 different things for a report to work lol
00:51 tier 2 Scoopsterdoo
01:02 tier 2 JaredS
01:03 JaredS bruh they dont monitor this old ass game anymore
01:12 JaredS i see people talking about the most attrocious things
01:31 gas 1 +199 Maurice
01:40 Scoopsterdoo Blizzard doesn't care about SC anymore. They wouldn't care
01:43 gas 1 +167 lllllIIIIIII
01:48 Scoopsterdoo Too busy destorying Overwatch
01:52 JaredS valid
01:58 JaredS cum
02:00 JaredS anyways
02:03 Scoopsterdoo Destroying*
02:43 tier 2 Maurice
03:38 gas 2 +60 SpiritofSam
03:39 tier 2 lllllIIIIIII
03:47 tier 3 Maurice
03:51 cannon destroyed
03:52 gas 2 +53 Sidetrak
03:53 gas 2 +53 JaredS
05:24 tier 2 SpiritofSam
05:55 tier 2 Sidetrak
06:15 tier 3 Scoopsterdoo
07:20 gas 3 -125 JaredS
07:51 tier 3 lllllIIIIIII
09:47 gas 3 -199 SpiritofSam
10:59 gas 4 -310 JaredS
11:16 gas 3 -243 Sidetrak
12:17 leaver lllllIIIIIII
12:21 JaredS KNEW IT
12:23 JaredS CALLED IT
12:27 JaredS they always leav
12:33 JaredS everytime
12:36 tier 3 Sidetrak
12:56 Maurice seen 'em before
13:06 Scoopsterdoo gg
13:08 JaredS i kept kicking him because of that too lol
13:09 SpiritofSam gg
13:10 game ended
13:12 JaredS kept rejoining