Game #1453532 — 2023-06-11

tychus 44
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 1753 | killed: 152k
3765 +27
abathur 35
apm: 26 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 1349 | killed: 94k
1763 +27
zagara 7
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1759 | killed: 108k
833 +2
1705 -27
apm: 22 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 610 | killed: 115k
zagara 9
1945 -27
apm: 6 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 1204 | killed: 70k
stetmann 1
1704 -27
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1540 | killed: 126k
zagara 11


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:06 gas 1 +633 thefathob
00:29 gas 1 +621 JaredS
00:38 first unit on mid
00:43 gas 1 +615 Scoopsterdoo
01:00 tier 2 thefathob
01:01 gas 1 +605 <Strnge> Cowen
01:02 gas 1 +605 <NOOTD> Dexter
01:27 tier 2 Scoopsterdoo
01:47 tier 2 JaredS
01:47 tier 2 <NOOTD> Dexter
02:15 tier 3 Scoopsterdoo
02:33 gas 2 +484 <Strnge> Cowen
03:07 tier 2 <Strnge> Cowen
04:15 gas 3 +358 <Strnge> Cowen
04:29 gas 1 +501 <WW2NA> HillWarlord
04:36 tier 3 <NOOTD> Dexter
04:50 tier 2 <WW2NA> HillWarlord
05:40 gas 2 +391 thefathob
06:58 gas 2 +352 <NOOTD> Dexter
07:09 tier 3 <Strnge> Cowen
07:58 gas 2 +322 <WW2NA> HillWarlord
09:09 gas 2 +286 JaredS
10:11 gas 3 +180 thefathob
10:36 gas 4 +93 <Strnge> Cowen
13:08 tier 3 <WW2NA> HillWarlord
14:13 tier 3 thefathob
14:34 tier 3 JaredS
15:27 gas 2 +98 Scoopsterdoo
15:55 gas 3 +8 JaredS
17:21 cannon destroyed
17:23 gas 3 -36 <NOOTD> Dexter
17:42 gas 3 -45 <WW2NA> HillWarlord
19:19 gas 4 -168 <WW2NA> HillWarlord
20:30 Scoopsterdoo gg
22:56 gas 3 -202 Scoopsterdoo
25:20 tier 4 JaredS
25:22 tier 4 <WW2NA> HillWarlord
25:27 tier 4 Scoopsterdoo
25:49 tier 4 <Strnge> Cowen
25:53 tier 4 thefathob
26:10 Scoopsterdoo gg
26:13 game ended
26:14 JaredS gg ez
26:23 JaredS the raynor pfp did a meme strat and lost
26:24 JaredS called it