Game #1510019 — 2023-03-08

zerg 248
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1425 | killed: 61k
1029 +32
protoss 11
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1711 | killed: 90k
2537 +59
zerg 361
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1484 | killed: 72k
2869 +59
3398 -59
apm: 109 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 265 | killed: 88k
terran 23
1766 -59
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 528 | killed: 58k
zerg 13
1936 -59
apm: 16 | gas: 0 | tier: 3
minerals: 0 | killed: 51k
zerg 20


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:05 Gooze glhf
00:12 <KAD3> foolishswami glhf
00:14 Reagon gl hf
00:37 first unit on mid
00:50 tier 2 <KAD3> foolishswami
01:01 tier 2 Gooze
01:26 tier 2 BloodyNine
02:05 tier 2 Reagon
02:37 tier 2 sodinomi
03:01 gas 1 +397 Reagon
04:47 cannon destroyed
04:49 gas 1 +343 <MvN> Neony
04:52 gas 1 +341 <KAD3> foolishswami
06:37 gas 2 +214 <MvN> Neony
06:40 gas 2 +213 <KAD3> foolishswami
07:09 gas 1 +273 sodinomi
07:24 gas 1 +265 Gooze
07:48 tier 3 BloodyNine
08:43 tier 3 Gooze
08:57 tier 2 <MvN> Neony
09:22 gas 2 +131 Reagon
10:35 gas 2 +95 sodinomi
13:05 <KAD3> foolishswami not worth wasting your time talking to him neony
13:19 Reagon Someone talking?
13:27 <KAD3> foolishswami purple
13:33 Reagon oh
13:44 tier 3 sodinomi
13:47 sodinomi i dont even need to look at the battlefield, still gonna rape you easy
13:48 <MvN> Neony purple guys don't think good player have good winrate (rofl)
13:48 <KAD3> foolishswami doesn't stfu same as last game
14:06 <MvN> Neony He think we are all carry by team
14:15 sodinomi someone tell this moron that high winrate is about how good your teammates are
14:21 BloodyNine I assure you, we don't care
14:24 <KAD3> foolishswami homien needs some serious help gives off psycho vibes
14:28 <MvN> Neony yeah (rofl)
14:30 gas 3 -97 sodinomi
14:31 Reagon Yeah
15:17 <MvN> Neony what do you think is the best counter to mass libe when you have already make like 10 roachs?
15:31 sodinomi mutas noob
15:35 <MvN> Neony :d
15:48 sodinomi talk about high winrate
15:56 sodinomi dont even know how to counter fucking libs
15:57 BloodyNine my god shut up all of you nobody cares
16:04 BloodyNine go have your slapfight somewhere else
16:23 sodinomi i slpafight your mom exlucisvely
16:25 sodinomi you piece of shit
16:30 sodinomi shut the fuck up
16:33 sodinomi and watch us rape you
16:40 BloodyNine reeeeeee
16:43 <MvN> Neony why are you raging on fact ?
16:46 BloodyNine embarass yourself more
16:55 <MvN> Neony (rofl)
16:56 sodinomi nobody asked for your fucking opinoon
16:58 sodinomi you fucking cunt
17:00 Reagon He seems exactly like the kind of guy to hit a mom for taking away his switch
17:04 sodinomi lose as usual
17:08 sodinomi and go cry in the shower
17:09 BloodyNine nor yours, now shut up nobody cares purple
17:11 sodinomi fucking vigin
17:11 <MvN> Neony some people have problem with the truth
17:19 <MvN> Neony number are not lying
17:32 BloodyNine purple is the reason we need to allow parents to hit their children
17:35 tier 3 <MvN> Neony
17:36 Reagon ^
17:41 sodinomi yes numbers are not lying high winrate means your playing with me
17:45 Reagon Purple is what happens when a people lose god
17:51 tier 3 Reagon
17:58 sodinomi purple is the reason you learnt everything about anal fucking
18:02 sodinomi sorry i am not using lube
18:03 <MvN> Neony I speak about fact, you only said "noob"
18:15 BloodyNine tell me you're 15 without telling me your 15 purple
18:21 Reagon ^
18:28 sodinomi tell me i am 15 inches without proving it
18:30 Reagon Lmao you expose yourself with each line further and further
18:34 sodinomi you would know though
18:42 gas 3 -224 <KAD3> foolishswami
18:49 sodinomi it's nice fucking noobs here (rofl)
18:53 sodinomi most of you are so lame
18:55 sodinomi neat
19:01 Reagon You would only want to fuck noobs so they don't know how bad you are
19:12 <MvN> Neony you know what MvN mean (rofl)
19:12 sodinomi i fuck noobs only after i anally fuck your mother
19:17 sodinomi for practice
19:19 BloodyNine who honestly cares about being good at a video game?
19:27 BloodyNine have fun nerd
19:28 sodinomi your mom cares
19:57 <KAD3> foolishswami this is what it looks like when your self worth is tied to a SC2 minigame
20:00 tier 3 <KAD3> foolishswami
20:08 Reagon Right it isn't even ranked lmao
20:09 sodinomi oh blue is alive
20:14 sodinomi after the anal penetration
20:25 <MvN> Neony ahahahaha
20:37 sodinomi everything was talking, then blue spoke
20:40 sodinomi gtfo moron
20:48 Reagon Purple the kinda guy to make tons of statemetnsa bout anal but not up front with himself about his sexuality lol
21:01 sodinomi my sexuality is all about anally fucking you
21:04 sodinomi nothing wrong with that
21:09 sodinomi you a bigot?
21:13 Reagon It isn't consenual
21:13 Gooze gg wp
21:15 <KAD3> foolishswami ggwp
21:16 <MvN> Neony wp
21:16 game ended
21:17 <KAD3> foolishswami sorry about purp
21:18 Reagon wp
21:20 BloodyNine it's okay to be gay purp