Game #1565413 — 2022-08-13

protoss 11
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: -19 | killed: 49k
2554 -5
terran 251
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -173 | killed: 14k
1635 -5
terran 16
apm: 13 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 58k
1774 -5
7530 +5
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1204 | killed: 50k
terran 326
4026 +5
apm: 20 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1250 | killed: 64k
terran 468
1955 +5
apm: 19 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 971 | killed: 47k
zerg 1


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:37 first unit on mid
00:47 tier 2 kfcWatermelo
00:48 tier 2 Clockwork
00:52 Clockwork We're off to a rocky start
01:01 kfcWatermelo who gassed
01:03 rocky (rofl)
01:05 kfcWatermelo or who rush t3
01:28 kfcWatermelo ok zerg did
01:51 rocky rly ?
01:55 tier 2 rocky
03:07 rocky staring battle
03:44 Clockwork my marines gonna have a look
04:27 bunker destroyed
04:30 gas 1 +240 <PLANgg> TeaCup
04:59 gas 1 +63 kfcWatermelo
05:34 tier 2 Stressling
05:45 gas 1 +202 Clockwork
06:15 tier 2 <PLANgg> TeaCup
06:29 gas 2 -57 kfcWatermelo
06:32 gas 1 +179 RyukoMatoi
06:42 gas 2 +99 <PLANgg> TeaCup
06:44 gas 1 +173 rocky
07:00 tier 2 RyukoMatoi
07:19 gas 2 +80 Clockwork
08:03 gas 3 -179 kfcWatermelo
09:23 gas 3 -57 Clockwork
09:27 tier 3 kfcWatermelo
09:44 kfcWatermelo sup
09:45 gas 3 -68 <PLANgg> TeaCup
09:58 RyukoMatoi bonsoir
10:44 tier 3 Clockwork
10:49 <PLANgg> TeaCup you gotta throw the thor in there cause its mecha
10:54 gas 2 -27 RyukoMatoi
10:57 <PLANgg> TeaCup keep consistant
11:01 kfcWatermelo offc
11:14 kfcWatermelo i gave up on early since he avoided marauders vs roaches
11:27 <PLANgg> TeaCup (sad)
11:29 Clockwork smart
11:38 tier 3 <PLANgg> TeaCup
12:06 <PLANgg> TeaCup omg this lobby
12:06 rocky pls leave
12:06 Stressling report
12:06 RyukoMatoi gg
12:06 Clockwork ggggggggg
12:06 Clockwork hey what did I do
12:06 leaver kfcWatermelo
12:18 <PLANgg> TeaCup lol he even waited to the last sec to leave
12:49 gas 3 -160 RyukoMatoi
15:39 tier 3 RyukoMatoi
16:23 gas 2 -192 rocky
17:30 game ended