Game #1572440 — 2023-07-20

fenix 964
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -279 | killed: 48k
6527 -73
artanis 515
apm: 11 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 333 | killed: 43k
6279 -73
dehaka 4
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 325 | killed: 42k
797 -7
1849 +73
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 470 | killed: 45k
kerrigan 2
4932 +73
apm: 44 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 821 | killed: 39k
stukov 12
4746 +73
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 624 | killed: 70k
alarak 97


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +407 JcrossOver
00:02 gas 1 +407 <ZExec> Biometrix
00:18 gas 1 +399 Roflcopter
00:30 chocolate nigga
00:35 <ZExec> Biometrix ez report
00:44 chocolate it's ok i'm a jew
00:52 <EzBr3z> DarthEvil ez like red's mom
00:52 tier 2 Justin
01:03 tier 2 <ZExec> Biometrix
01:06 tier 2 <EzBr3z> DarthEvil
01:07 Justin youre a nigger jew
01:14 chocolate jelly?
01:20 first unit on mid
01:24 gas 1 +366 chocolate
01:36 Justin it's ok, I can say it cause I'm a trans-dog
01:56 chocolate when will trans get an entire month to celebrate
01:56 tier 2 JcrossOver
02:07 tier 2 Roflcopter
02:09 gas 2 +268 <ZExec> Biometrix
02:18 Justin probably when niggers are banned from the month
02:55 tier 3 JcrossOver
03:02 tier 2 chocolate
03:58 tier 3 Roflcopter
06:40 gas 1 +208 <EzBr3z> DarthEvil
09:18 tier 3 <EzBr3z> DarthEvil
09:24 tier 3 Justin
09:39 gas 2 +43 JcrossOver
10:02 bunker destroyed
10:07 gas 2 +29 Roflcopter
10:16 gas 3 -50 <ZExec> Biometrix
12:52 gas 1 +22 Justin
13:11 tier 3 <ZExec> Biometrix
14:28 gas 3 -176 JcrossOver
15:22 tier 3 chocolate
16:11 gas 2 -153 Justin
16:14 cannon destroyed
16:38 gas 2 -166 chocolate
17:41 gas 3 -273 Justin
18:30 JcrossOver gg
18:31 <ZExec> Biometrix gg
18:37 Roflcopter gg
18:37 game ended
18:42 <EzBr3z> DarthEvil gg