Game #1584420 — 2023-07-22

zerg 78
apm: 13 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: -83 | killed: 12k
859 -2
protoss 2
apm: 44 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 13k
1943 -20
zerg 8
apm: 12 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: -76 | killed: 10k
2059 -20
1929 +20
apm: 11 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 223 | killed: 15k
zerg 13
4482 +20
apm: 19 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 197 | killed: 23k
protoss 202
644 +2
apm: 11 | gas: 0 | tier: 3
minerals: 429 | killed: 12k
protoss 320


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:08 zerg gl hf
00:12 Orchid glhf
00:23 LessQuit hi gl hf
00:37 first unit on mid
00:46 VvVwV )))
00:49 tier 2 saar
00:50 tier 2 Orchid
00:53 zerg ))))
01:03 tier 2 VvVwV
01:06 tier 2 zerg
02:07 tier 2 Reminiscity
03:06 zerg !!!!
04:10 tier 2 LessQuit
06:18 bunker destroyed
06:20 gas 1 -38 Orchid
06:21 gas 1 -38 saar
06:34 tier 3 zerg
07:01 VvVwV leaver noob
07:01 VvVwV lessquit u too
07:01 VvVwV ready to die?
07:01 zerg bro uses archons)))
07:01 zerg hahahahhahhaa
07:01 zerg xd
07:01 LessQuit ^^__^^
07:01 LessQuit cumbackisreal
07:01 LessQuit enjoy free elo
07:01 LessQuit i sell for carriers soon
07:01 LessQuit im rich
07:01 LessQuit no
07:01 LessQuit noob
07:01 LessQuit oops wrong chat
07:01 LessQuit wait no
07:03 zerg xd
07:28 tier 3 VvVwV
07:37 gas 1 -76 zerg
07:50 gas 1 -83 Reminiscity
08:09 gas 2 -168 Orchid
08:15 zerg gay hhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa protos
08:29 Reminiscity protos is gay as shit my boi
08:38 zerg i know
08:47 VvVwV you die soon all
09:03 Reminiscity NOY TODAY
09:03 gas 2 -194 saar
09:17 VvVwV agressive nooba
09:22 VvVwV noobs
09:26 zerg hes usin archons!!!!
09:47 VvVwV i hate zerg and kill you with joy
09:59 LessQuit my team is gay gg
10:03 VvVwV noob
10:03 Reminiscity gg gay team
10:04 zerg yu 2
10:05 game ended