Game #1584853 — 2023-04-05

raynor 2
apm: 23 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1631 | killed: 65k
1848 +21
abathur 3
apm: 22 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1509 | killed: 67k
1615 +21
abathur 10
apm: 37 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1491 | killed: 81k
4404 +21
2098 -21
apm: 18 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1024 | killed: 89k
abathur 7
1633 -21
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 948 | killed: 73k
stukov 1
1255 -21
apm: 5 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 616 | killed: 37k
tychus 3


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 +500 <Rofler> inferno
00:03 gas 1 +500 poxcz
00:10 gas 1 +496 GreenLord
00:40 gas 1 +481 Arnor
00:51 tier 2 Wonka
00:59 first unit on mid
01:11 tier 2 GreenLord
01:45 gas 2 +373 <Rofler> inferno
01:46 gas 1 +448 Wonka
01:56 gas 1 +443 <m0d3ls> SEBI
02:14 gas 2 +359 Arnor
02:27 gas 2 +353 GreenLord
02:31 tier 2 poxcz
02:54 tier 2 <Rofler> inferno
03:11 tier 3 Wonka
03:22 gas 2 +325 poxcz
03:26 gas 2 +323 Wonka
03:37 tier 3 <Rofler> inferno
03:38 gas 3 +242 <Rofler> inferno
04:08 gas 3 +227 Arnor
04:34 tier 2 <m0d3ls> SEBI
04:39 gas 3 +211 GreenLord
04:41 tier 3 GreenLord
04:57 gas 3 +202 Wonka
04:58 tier 2 Arnor
05:46 tier 3 Arnor
06:07 gas 3 +168 poxcz
08:15 poxcz zeratul gg man?
08:17 poxcz gas die
08:23 GreenLord ye (sad)(
08:27 gas 2 +173 <m0d3ls> SEBI
08:27 poxcz ah..
08:30 <Rofler> inferno ?
10:02 gas 4 -25 Wonka
10:25 gas 4 -36 GreenLord
11:29 tier 3 poxcz
11:46 gas 4 -77 <Rofler> inferno
12:21 cannon destroyed
12:22 gas 4 -95 poxcz
13:45 <Rofler> inferno ok..
13:51 <Rofler> inferno shadow guard gets free abilities
14:06 <Rofler> inferno but the units is considered a dt so it unlocks the unlocks
14:15 gas 4 -151 Arnor
14:22 <Rofler> inferno hope they use their abilities..
17:14 tier 3 <m0d3ls> SEBI
21:43 game ended
21:49 <Rofler> inferno aww