Game #1591949 — 2023-03-13

zerg 149
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1506 | killed: 67k
873 +1
protoss 56
apm: 6 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1674 | killed: 97k
3023 +5
protoss 264
apm: 25 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1690 | killed: 96k
6916 +5
1018 -5
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 489 | killed: 54k
terran 235
1876 -5
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 607 | killed: 72k
protoss 5
1965 -5
apm: 12 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 508 | killed: 116k
terran 2


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:08 Sunfire glhf!
00:30 Syren glhf
00:37 first unit on mid
00:50 Syren glhf
00:53 TopHATwaffle glhf
00:58 Syren glhf
01:03 TopHATwaffle Cat Fact 64: For some reason, cats really dislike citrus scents.
01:12 Syren k
01:24 tier 2 Syren
01:32 tier 2 HUSTLEnFLOW
02:12 tier 2 Sunfire
02:15 tier 2 PinPinQC
03:08 tier 2 TheMaster
03:22 HUSTLEnFLOW gas on start ><
05:14 bunker destroyed
05:15 gas 1 +383 Sunfire
05:16 gas 1 +242 Syren
05:17 gas 1 +340 TheMaster
05:34 gas 1 +374 HUSTLEnFLOW
05:51 gas 1 +365 TopHATwaffle
06:11 cannon destroyed
06:46 gas 2 +122 Syren
06:58 gas 1 +332 PinPinQC
07:14 tier 2 TopHATwaffle
07:29 gas 2 +241 TopHATwaffle
07:36 gas 2 +238 HUSTLEnFLOW
08:30 tier 3 Syren
08:57 tier 3 Sunfire
09:23 gas 2 +142 TheMaster
09:35 gas 3 +103 HUSTLEnFLOW
10:45 gas 2 +143 PinPinQC
10:54 tier 3 PinPinQC
14:25 gas 3 -42 TopHATwaffle
16:05 gas 4 -167 HUSTLEnFLOW
16:11 gas 3 -95 PinPinQC
16:27 tier 3 TopHATwaffle
18:19 Syren gg
18:21 leaver Syren
19:15 tier 3 HUSTLEnFLOW
20:33 tier 3 TheMaster
21:39 leaver TheMaster
22:00 Sunfire well
22:08 PinPinQC well stay
22:11 PinPinQC to the end
22:16 HUSTLEnFLOW you have the race to turn it
22:20 TopHATwaffle For real
22:28 Sunfire surely
22:30 TopHATwaffle Enough Terran bullshit just wins
22:40 Sunfire this is true
22:56 Sunfire but also I probably don't habve enough stuff
22:58 TopHATwaffle gg though
23:01 Sunfire gg
23:01 TopHATwaffle no ground (sad)
23:02 game ended
23:03 PinPinQC gg was too late
23:10 Sunfire yeah had to build infinite vikings