Game #1620351 — 2023-08-03

zerg 100
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1304 | killed: 58k
4898 +9
zerg 298
apm: 33 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1338 | killed: 44k
5886 +9
zerg 105
apm: 25 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1339 | killed: 45k
2219 +9
1764 -9
apm: 19 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 12k
terran 19
1884 -9
apm: 11 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 33 | killed: 39k
terran 46
1695 -9
apm: 6 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 177 | killed: 35k
terran 5


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:47 tier 2 juza
00:59 first unit on mid
01:20 tier 2 Cinek
01:54 tier 2 Cujo
02:18 cannon destroyed
02:20 gas 1 +314 <GSGa> Easy
02:20 gas 1 +313 GouleFutée
02:20 <GSGa> Easy <------
02:33 tier 2 Vitality
02:58 tier 2 <GSGa> Easy
04:38 tier 2 GouleFutée
05:40 gas 2 +138 <GSGa> Easy
05:45 gas 2 +136 GouleFutée
05:48 gas 1 +209 Vitality
06:52 gas 1 +177 juza
07:39 tier 3 Vitality
07:40 gas 3 +4 <GSGa> Easy
07:50 gas 3 -1 GouleFutée
08:19 gas 2 +59 Vitality
09:19 leaver Cinek
09:22 <GSGa> Easy <-------
10:03 tier 3 <GSGa> Easy
10:07 gas 4 -145 GouleFutée
10:25 gas 4 -154 <GSGa> Easy
10:45 tier 3 juza
11:25 tier 3 GouleFutée
11:41 gas 1 +33 Cujo
12:55 <GSGa> Easy <-----------
13:13 Cujo youre very arrogant behind your computer
13:17 Cujo problem ?
13:19 <GSGa> Easy quiet baboon
13:23 <GSGa> Easy loose in silence
13:39 Cujo not more than 8 years old i guess
13:43 Cujo small dick ?
13:49 <GSGa> Easy you guessed right
13:58 <GSGa> Easy small dick energy
14:08 Cujo did your mother sleep with your uncle ?
14:15 Cujo and here you are ?
14:26 <GSGa> Easy hahahahahaha
14:30 <GSGa> Easy good one buddy
17:13 <GSGa> Easy ca y est
17:14 <GSGa> Easy bye bye
17:26 Cujo tu fais honte a ton pays
17:29 <GSGa> Easy putain pas loin
17:33 <GSGa> Easy mais non
17:36 <GSGa> Easy c'est dans la tete
17:37 juza --
17:48 game ended
17:50 <GSGa> Easy tu vois
17:51 <GSGa> Easy ez