Game #1621177 — 2023-08-05

tychus 2106
apm: 47 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1210 | killed: 88k
7865 +13
zagara 210
apm: 27 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 728 | killed: 55k
6750 +13
mengsk 1087
apm: 44 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1125 | killed: 62k
6548 +13
4545 -13
apm: 43 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 584 | killed: 67k
mengsk 11
904 -1
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 71 | killed: 49k
karax 6
1519 -13
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 561 | killed: 64k
vorazun 3


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +468 Keke
00:08 gas 1 +466 <DSNAVI> PewPewPew
00:08 <DSNAVI> PewPewPew hf
00:22 gas 1 +459 Firestorm
00:22 gas 1 +459 <DSNAVI> Trump
00:24 <DSNAVI> Trump gl hf
00:31 gas 1 +454 Skippy
00:37 first unit on mid
01:19 tier 2 Firestorm
01:32 tier 2 <DSNAVI> PewPewPew
01:51 tier 2 <DSNAVI> Trump
02:10 <DSNAVI> PewPewPew Ok you really don't deserve a teamate like this
02:15 Skippy sry
02:25 Firestorm ?
02:36 Firestorm what u mean pew?
02:38 gas 2 +316 Skippy
02:44 <DSNAVI> Trump ah ok^^
02:45 <DSNAVI> PewPewPew He is spamming energizers
02:50 <DSNAVI> Trump needed to test the pause key
02:55 <DSNAVI> PewPewPew You don't deserve to have that kind of trash in your team
02:57 Firestorm ah omg, didn't even notice
03:15 tier 2 Keke
03:57 tier 2 Pascualito
04:19 gas 2 +265 <DSNAVI> Trump
05:51 <DSNAVI> Trump nice
06:07 gas 3 +136 <DSNAVI> Trump
06:15 gas 2 +207 <DSNAVI> PewPewPew
07:37 tier 3 <DSNAVI> PewPewPew
10:02 tier 3 <DSNAVI> Trump
10:24 gas 1 +158 Pascualito
10:27 gas 2 +82 Keke
11:42 tier 3 Keke
11:55 tier 3 Pascualito
13:53 tier 2 Skippy
13:59 gas 4 -175 <DSNAVI> Trump
14:03 cannon destroyed
14:06 gas 3 -103 <DSNAVI> PewPewPew
14:28 gas 3 -114 Keke
14:41 tier 3 Skippy
15:34 bunker destroyed
17:34 gas 4 -282 <DSNAVI> PewPewPew
19:17 tier 3 Firestorm
20:13 gas 2 -212 Pascualito
20:41 game ended
20:41 <DSNAVI> PewPewPew gg
20:42 <DSNAVI> Trump gg wp
20:43 Skippy Gg
20:44 Firestorm ggwp