Game #1630606 — 2023-07-14

protoss 25
apm: 23 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 957 | killed: 34k
5772 +6
protoss 2610
apm: 26 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 869 | killed: 54k
7646 +6
protoss 323
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 743 | killed: 46k
1989 +6
1100 -6
apm: 6 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 129 | killed: 46k
protoss 160
1092 -6
apm: 13 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: -111 | killed: 52k
terran 38
2855 -6
apm: 30 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 114 | killed: 18k
zerg 3


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:09 kento glgl
00:13 Afterlife (minerals)(glhf)(gminerals)
00:18 kento wizard, where from?
00:25 <GayBi> LizardWizard Guess
00:28 kento munich
00:37 first unit on mid
00:45 tier 2 nomatter
01:04 <GayBi> LizardWizard sorry but not really
01:07 kento kk
01:15 tier 2 Afterlife
01:48 tier 2 Zecko
03:24 gas 1 +114 Zecko
04:48 gas 1 +180 Afterlife
05:13 cannon destroyed
05:15 gas 1 +167 <GayBi> LizardWizard
05:15 gas 1 +167 kento
05:58 tier 2 kento
06:19 gas 2 +60 Afterlife
06:30 gas 1 +129 nomatter
07:03 gas 2 +38 <GayBi> LizardWizard
07:51 gas 3 -61 Afterlife
08:10 gas 2 +4 kento
08:30 tier 2 JolT
09:06 tier 2 <GayBi> LizardWizard
09:14 tier 3 Afterlife
09:38 gas 3 -114 <GayBi> LizardWizard
10:05 Afterlife :O !!
11:52 kento lül
11:52 <GayBi> LizardWizard omg
11:52 Afterlife :O !!
12:13 kento duderich
12:13 Afterlife :O !!
12:14 kento HE WUZ BEZT M8
12:14 kento scheiss zecken können sich kain intanet leisten
12:14 <GayBi> LizardWizard playing off neighbors wifi probably
12:14 Afterlife ok you can stop now
12:14 Afterlife that's quite enough of that
12:14 leaver Zecko
12:21 kento he was bad while it lasted
12:42 gas 3 -206 kento
14:31 gas 1 -111 JolT
15:50 game ended
15:50 kento gügü
15:51 <GayBi> LizardWizard gg
15:54 Afterlife gugu