Game #1634406 — 2023-08-11

karax 6
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 573 | killed: 9k
2242 +38
karax 276
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 446 | killed: 18k
4115 +38
artanis 127
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 326 | killed: 18k
3857 +38
2138 -38
apm: 4 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 79 | killed: 9k
stukov 2
3173 -38
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 120 | killed: 22k
artanis 38
1510 -38
apm: 23 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: -46 | killed: 13k
mengsk 44


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:05 gas 1 +184 Deniability
00:10 gas 1 +182 BpeDuTeJIb
00:16 gas 1 +179 Tusik
00:30 gas 1 +172 Furkz
00:41 gas 1 +167 <EUNOOB> Allcapone
00:52 tier 2 Tusik
00:59 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 Deniability
01:26 tier 2 <EUNOOB> Allcapone
01:45 tier 3 Tusik
01:57 gas 2 +53 Deniability
02:00 gas 2 +52 Furkz
02:03 tier 2 <IKWGI> KremlinTurm
02:14 gas 2 +45 BpeDuTeJIb
02:21 tier 2 BpeDuTeJIb
03:37 gas 2 +3 <EUNOOB> Allcapone
03:56 cannon destroyed
04:05 gas 3 -86 Deniability
04:22 gas 1 +56 <IKWGI> KremlinTurm
04:41 gas 3 -104 Furkz
05:57 <EUNOOB> Allcapone so tired of noobs
06:00 <EUNOOB> Allcapone like this artanis
06:01 <EUNOOB> Allcapone :P
06:07 gas 3 -146 <EUNOOB> Allcapone
06:16 Furkz Me? cause holy shit i fucked up xD
06:17 tier 2 Furkz
06:24 <EUNOOB> Allcapone no
06:27 <EUNOOB> Allcapone the other artanis
06:27 Deniability lol
06:31 Deniability this guy is an idiot
06:46 Deniability he doesnt realise that aleksander was spanwed 2 waves ago
06:53 Deniability and nmy lane wasnt buildign and we got the bunker as a result
07:03 gas 2 -100 Tusik
07:41 tier 3 <EUNOOB> Allcapone
07:48 tier 3 Deniability
08:32 Furkz stukov not telling us his plan was not cool though. we could have defended the bunker harder if we knew he was chilling for 5 rounds
08:48 gas 2 -152 <IKWGI> KremlinTurm
09:09 <EUNOOB> Allcapone are u rly blameing some 1 else?
09:32 Furkz well only partialy
09:42 BpeDuTeJIb pls close up u hole
09:51 Deniability i kno right?
09:58 Deniability this red is so blind
10:03 <EUNOOB> Allcapone look at all this noobs banding togheter
10:20 gas 3 -273 BpeDuTeJIb
11:15 game ended
11:18 Furkz gg xD