Game #1635101 — 2023-08-10

protoss 49
apm: 5 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 259 | killed: 26k
964 -1
protoss 12
apm: 6 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 375 | killed: 46k
2006 -2
protoss 2
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 687 | killed: 46k
1992 -2
8656 +2
apm: 62 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1456 | killed: 63k
terran 2141
9040 +2
apm: 29 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1254 | killed: 75k
terran 902
2659 +2
apm: 18 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1175 | killed: 42k
zerg 18


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 +396 sweedish
00:10 gas 1 +401 <ROLLED> LoCoBuDDha
00:29 gas 1 +392 <ROLLED> Clockwork
00:39 first unit on mid
00:51 tier 2 Algernon
01:00 tier 2 <ROLLED> LoCoBuDDha
01:02 tier 2 OLDBOY
01:40 gas 2 +281 <ROLLED> LoCoBuDDha
01:55 <ROLLED> Clockwork I want to break freeeeee
03:03 tier 2 <ROLLED> Clockwork
03:07 tier 2 RonHubbard
03:12 tier 3 <ROLLED> LoCoBuDDha
03:14 tier 2 sweedish
05:12 cannon destroyed
05:13 gas 1 +250 OLDBOY
05:14 gas 2 +166 sweedish
05:15 gas 1 +134 RonHubbard
05:18 gas 1 +247 Algernon
06:50 tier 3 <ROLLED> Clockwork
06:51 gas 2 +126 Algernon
07:37 bunker destroyed
07:46 gas 2 +98 <ROLLED> Clockwork
08:23 gas 3 +5 Algernon
08:54 tier 3 Algernon
09:19 gas 3 -23 <ROLLED> LoCoBuDDha
09:38 gas 3 -33 <ROLLED> Clockwork
09:53 <ROLLED> Clockwork what do you guys think we should do about the muslim immigrants?
10:16 RonHubbard what should we do with guys asking those questions?
10:28 <ROLLED> Clockwork well nothing, dont you support freedom of speech?
10:36 <ROLLED> Clockwork are u stupid leftist?
10:41 RonHubbard lol
10:56 <ROLLED> Clockwork moron
10:58 <ROLLED> Clockwork dont speak
11:00 <ROLLED> Clockwork u sound stupid
11:09 RonHubbard i think we should send u to assim
11:22 RonHubbard as working drone
11:36 RonHubbard brain is not your thing,, huh?
11:36 <ROLLED> Clockwork U dont believe in hard work?
11:38 <ROLLED> Clockwork fucking slacker
11:54 RonHubbard i believe you should work hard or go to school
11:54 <ROLLED> Clockwork get a job loser
12:19 RonHubbard so tell us what to do with immigrants
12:20 tier 3 sweedish
12:51 <ROLLED> LoCoBuDDha send them to Ronhubbards home
12:58 <ROLLED> Clockwork ye he loves them
12:58 tier 3 RonHubbard
13:10 <ROLLED> Clockwork Fucking traitor
13:10 RonHubbard and you?
13:19 RonHubbard want to report you hard, so tell us
13:26 RonHubbard little kid
13:37 <ROLLED> Clockwork u are a fascist
13:45 <ROLLED> Clockwork and u will be enslaved in the future
13:49 <ROLLED> Clockwork because u dont believe in freedom of speech
13:50 <ROLLED> LoCoBuDDha oh no his gonna report u (rofl)
13:52 sweedish hahahah
14:05 RonHubbard why not?
14:10 <ROLLED> LoCoBuDDha Ron dont forget upgrades ;)
14:22 RonHubbard dont need them
14:24 <ROLLED> Clockwork his little brain cant multi task
14:29 <ROLLED> LoCoBuDDha u only 2-2
14:34 <ROLLED> LoCoBuDDha (rofl)
14:44 leaver RonHubbard
14:54 <ROLLED> Clockwork Humiliated
15:59 <ROLLED> Clockwork So about the immigrants
16:13 <ROLLED> Clockwork Maybe just keep the in prison untill we can send them back ?
17:45 <ROLLED> Clockwork We cant let muslims run around freely
17:49 <ROLLED> Clockwork Raping young girls
18:15 <ROLLED> Clockwork ez
18:17 leaver sweedish
18:33 game ended