Game #1667215 — 2023-08-25

protoss 882
apm: 32 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1404 | killed: 81k
5756 +33
terran 490
apm: 6 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1278 | killed: 76k
3637 +33
terran 78
apm: 4 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 765 | killed: 54k
952 +3
1747 -33
apm: 68 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 208 | killed: 63k
zerg 3
981 -3
apm: 26 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 899 | killed: 96k
terran 100
4487 -33
apm: 33 | gas: 0 | tier: 1
minerals: 0 | killed: 3k
zerg 168


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:40 first unit on mid
01:03 tier 2 ICU
01:07 gas 1 +432 Peacemaker
01:15 tier 2 MRPAPAGIORGI
01:29 tier 2 FillMckracin
02:37 Goose how fuckin dare you
03:36 gas 2 +282 Peacemaker
03:47 gas 1 +352 FillMckracin
04:28 cannon destroyed
04:31 tier 2 BaconPizza
04:32 gas 1 +330 BaconPizza
04:44 tier 2 Peacemaker
05:19 leaver Goose
05:30 ICU jeezus boomerr have such short tempers
05:38 tier 3 MRPAPAGIORGI
05:57 FillMckracin hi
06:00 gas 2 +210 FillMckracin
06:09 Peacemaker howdy?
06:21 Peacemaker green lacking Vitamin B, he got so angry
06:38 FillMckracin did you bully him?
06:43 BaconPizza hes a goose
06:51 BaconPizza he was loose
06:56 Peacemaker no, he couldn't read the board state so got mad
06:57 tier 3 BaconPizza
07:41 tier 3 FillMckracin
08:11 FillMckracin How many peaks do you need purp?
08:18 ICU im very curious
08:22 gas 1 +215 MRPAPAGIORGI
08:23 bunker destroyed
08:26 Peacemaker peaks?
08:31 gas 3 +60 Peacemaker
08:36 FillMckracin he scans me like every round
08:42 ICU yellow didn't go to school, my apologies
09:08 gas 1 +191 ICU
09:57 gas 2 +92 BaconPizza
10:47 gas 2 +67 MRPAPAGIORGI
10:48 tier 3 ICU
16:37 gas 3 -183 MRPAPAGIORGI
16:37 gas 2 -108 ICU
18:34 gas 4 -316 MRPAPAGIORGI
19:23 gas 3 -266 FillMckracin
20:32 game ended
20:33 FillMckracin gg
20:34 Peacemaker gg
20:35 ICU ..
20:37 ICU gg