Game #1675270 — 2023-08-30

nova 218
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 7
minerals: 1398 | killed: 250k
4476 -69
fenix 967
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 7
minerals: 1798 | killed: 210k
5821 -69
dehaka 1965
apm: 20 | gas: 4 | tier: 7
minerals: 3464 | killed: 268k
5019 -69
4593 +69
apm: 26 | gas: 4 | tier: 7
minerals: 2435 | killed: 278k
abathur 40
2460 +69
apm: 5 | gas: 4 | tier: 7
minerals: 4041 | killed: 305k
nova 9
1634 +69
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 7
minerals: 3246 | killed: 228k
vorazun 8


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +1089 IronLionZion
00:07 gas 1 +1087 Kaszel
00:12 gas 1 +1085 DeineMuta
00:18 gas 1 +1082 Mirias
00:36 gas 1 +1073 Hotmail
00:38 first unit on mid
00:55 tier 2 Mirias
00:57 gas 1 +1062 <teamCA> Mephisto
01:00 tier 2 DeineMuta
01:14 tier 2 <teamCA> Mephisto
01:30 tier 2 Hotmail
01:31 tier 2 Kaszel
01:37 gas 2 +967 Kaszel
01:50 tier 3 Mirias
02:11 tier 2 IronLionZion
03:13 gas 2 +920 IronLionZion
03:20 gas 2 +916 Mirias
04:25 gas 3 +808 Kaszel
05:36 gas 3 +773 IronLionZion
08:18 tier 3 Hotmail
08:19 tier 3 Kaszel
10:09 cannon destroyed
10:17 gas 4 +557 IronLionZion
10:29 gas 4 +551 Kaszel
10:41 gas 3 +620 Mirias
10:46 tier 3 <teamCA> Mephisto
10:48 gas 2 +692 DeineMuta
12:44 gas 2 +634 Hotmail
12:50 tier 3 DeineMuta
13:57 gas 2 +598 <teamCA> Mephisto
17:05 DeineMuta you fight with honor! (happy)
20:47 tier 3 IronLionZion
20:54 bunker destroyed
21:02 gas 3 +310 Hotmail
23:46 DeineMuta the rubber band is on the other claw!!!
24:09 <teamCA> Mephisto game´s mood is similar to the weather in Northhampton
25:27 tier 4 Kaszel
25:32 tier 4 <teamCA> Mephisto
25:39 tier 4 Hotmail
25:41 tier 4 DeineMuta
25:45 tier 4 IronLionZion
28:37 tier 4 Mirias
30:03 tier 5 Kaszel
30:03 tier 5 <teamCA> Mephisto
30:13 tier 5 Mirias
30:15 tier 5 DeineMuta
30:19 tier 5 Hotmail
30:55 tier 5 IronLionZion
34:32 gas 3 -95 <teamCA> Mephisto
34:49 gas 3 -104 DeineMuta
35:03 tier 6 IronLionZion
35:03 tier 6 Mirias
35:16 tier 6 Hotmail
35:30 tier 6 Kaszel
35:30 tier 6 <teamCA> Mephisto
35:39 tier 6 DeineMuta
35:51 gas 4 -210 Hotmail
38:36 gas 4 -292 <teamCA> Mephisto
40:03 tier 7 IronLionZion
40:07 tier 7 Hotmail
40:12 tier 7 <teamCA> Mephisto
40:20 tier 7 Kaszel
40:49 tier 7 DeineMuta
40:49 tier 7 Mirias
41:13 IronLionZion gg
41:17 Mirias че так долго, остановитесь!
41:23 game ended
41:26 Mirias GG
41:27 <teamCA> Mephisto sprry what?
41:29 <teamCA> Mephisto gg
41:31 DeineMuta gg