Game #1733874 — 2023-09-17

vorazun 50
apm: 29 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 877 | killed: 28k
5568 +25
raynor 42
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 800 | killed: 19k
5301 +25
karax 25
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 886 | killed: 20k
5075 +25
3606 -25
apm: 22 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 275 | killed: 9k
tychus 74
2494 -25
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 218 | killed: 16k
stukov 4
1785 -25
apm: 23 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 143 | killed: 14k
hanhorner 8


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:01 gas 1 +200 <die> Bulbositoo
00:02 gas 1 +200 Jordanov
00:03 gas 1 +199 <DSCPRO> Yoda
00:04 gas 1 +199 Plas
00:04 gas 1 +199 EmeraldSword
00:05 <die> Bulbositoo gl hf
00:13 Jordanov U too Bilbo
00:16 Jordanov go find the ring now
00:33 gas 1 +143 <Anaali> TummaJORMA
00:37 first unit on mid
00:37 <die> Bulbositoo bilbo is the true hero, man
00:47 Jordanov Why is your clan <die> ?
01:00 Jordanov U guys suicidal?
01:03 <die> Bulbositoo it could be "live"
01:13 Jordanov would have a nice ring to it
01:17 Jordanov U see what I did here?
01:19 Jordanov ring? (rofl)
01:20 tier 2 Jordanov
01:23 tier 2 Plas
01:31 <DSCPRO> Yoda Bilbo is hero, Frodo is gay
01:36 Jordanov lulz
01:37 <die> Bulbositoo amen
01:41 gas 2 +75 <die> Bulbositoo
01:45 tier 2 EmeraldSword
01:50 gas 2 +71 Jordanov
02:02 tier 2 <Anaali> TummaJORMA
02:09 Jordanov (rofl) (rofl) what the actual f0ck
03:03 gas 2 +34 <DSCPRO> Yoda
03:27 tier 2 <die> Bulbositoo
03:34 gas 2 +19 EmeraldSword
03:52 gas 2 +10 Plas
04:04 gas 3 -71 Jordanov
04:16 tier 2 <DSCPRO> Yoda
05:17 <die> Bulbositoo rude
05:22 gas 3 -110 <DSCPRO> Yoda
05:23 Jordanov DAUMN BOY
05:30 cannon destroyed
05:38 Plas we found the ring
05:40 Jordanov xD
05:41 tier 3 Plas
05:43 Jordanov hahahahah
05:47 Plas if was inside the bunker
05:47 <DSCPRO> Yoda time to go to mount doom
06:09 tier 3 <DSCPRO> Yoda
07:31 tier 3 <die> Bulbositoo
09:52 tier 3 <Anaali> TummaJORMA
10:21 leaver <Anaali> TummaJORMA
10:32 <DSCPRO> Yoda damn quitting DS for POOORN
10:52 <die> Bulbositoo rude!
10:58 Plas sorry
11:02 Jordanov sorry (rofl)
11:15 Plas need to find your ring if you know what i mean
11:28 Jordanov xD
11:34 <die> Bulbositoo you may find some mood
11:41 Jordanov gg wp
11:42 <die> Bulbositoo isildur threw it into a river, so...
11:43 game ended
11:44 <die> Bulbositoo gg wp
11:48 Jordanov xD
11:48 Plas here, we drapped Frodo
11:51 EmeraldSword how to mute people next time to look for