Game #1734015 — 2023-09-25

zerg 893
apm: 39 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 772 | killed: 42k
6236 +23
zerg 406
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 670 | killed: 39k
5714 +23
protoss 12
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 621 | killed: 26k
1708 +23
4067 -23
apm: 13 | gas: 0 | tier: 3
minerals: 0 | killed: 30k
zerg 1371
3306 -23
apm: 8 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: -55 | killed: 24k
protoss 2563
2459 -23
apm: 4 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: -100 | killed: 29k
protoss 197


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:05 jrocks glhf
00:41 first unit on mid
00:54 tier 2 JamesWright
00:55 tier 2 <Leengz> Cerdoth
01:00 tier 2 BaconPizza
01:14 tier 2 <SUPERA> Focus
01:51 tier 2 jrocks
05:22 tier 2 BLOTTER
05:54 cannon destroyed
05:57 gas 1 +110 BaconPizza
05:59 gas 1 +110 <SUPERA> Focus
07:29 gas 2 -10 <SUPERA> Focus
07:56 gas 1 +51 JamesWright
08:46 gas 2 -49 BaconPizza
09:08 gas 1 +15 jrocks
09:20 gas 3 -141 <SUPERA> Focus
09:49 <SUPERA> Focus when do the carriers come?
10:01 tier 3 jrocks
10:04 jrocks soon
10:37 jrocks but im poor, so its just carrier instead of carriers
10:48 <SUPERA> Focus i didnt mean u
10:58 gas 2 -115 jrocks
11:04 tier 3 BLOTTER
11:15 <Leengz> Cerdoth great. gas and pray carriers win it
11:19 <Leengz> Cerdoth fml
11:28 gas 1 -55 BLOTTER
11:29 jrocks lmao, you're blaming me?
11:39 <SUPERA> Focus there they are
11:50 jrocks wait. what is happening
11:51 gas 2 -141 JamesWright
12:03 BaconPizza the end times
12:07 <SUPERA> Focus mid has been building 00 stalkers getting fucked to eventually move to carreirs
12:23 jrocks this is a bad build
12:31 <Leengz> Cerdoth indeed
12:32 <SUPERA> Focus its working well for us
12:36 <Leengz> Cerdoth hahah
13:40 tier 3 <Leengz> Cerdoth
14:39 game ended
14:40 jrocks ggs
14:40 <SUPERA> Focus gg
14:43 JamesWright gg