Game #1737103 — 2023-09-26

tychus 144
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1427 | killed: 59k
3224 -79
raynor 37
apm: 61 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1500 | killed: 45k
4534 -79
tychus 107
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1613 | killed: 58k
5841 -79
3716 +79
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 223 | killed: 57k
zagara 15
3557 +79
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 869 | killed: 62k
alarak 99
916 +7
apm: 5 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 777 | killed: 60k
tychus 24


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +458 Malah
00:03 gas 1 +457 <KofW> udaman
00:05 gas 1 +456 CornPop
00:09 gas 1 +454 Kosh
00:10 gas 1 +454 UnHealthcare
00:13 <KofW> udaman cornpop what a gay name
00:22 gas 1 +447 CatSavage
00:28 UnHealthcare just like Candy Corn is the gayest candy
00:36 CatSavage I bet he's the nigger than Joe Biden beat up
00:46 first unit on mid
00:50 <KofW> udaman remember when he called black kids roaches
00:50 tier 2 Malah
00:51 CornPop (rofl)
00:57 <KofW> udaman or somethin like that
01:14 <KofW> udaman get good son.
01:15 CornPop you all know who I am, no one knows who you are
01:32 gas 2 +338 Malah
02:05 tier 2 CornPop
02:43 gas 2 +302 UnHealthcare
02:47 tier 2 Kosh
03:10 tier 2 <KofW> udaman
03:11 gas 2 +288 CornPop
03:28 tier 2 UnHealthcare
04:32 tier 3 Kosh
04:43 gas 2 +242 <KofW> udaman
05:31 cannon destroyed
05:50 gas 2 +209 CatSavage
06:06 tier 3 <KofW> udaman
07:20 gas 3 +89 CatSavage
08:26 gas 3 +56 UnHealthcare
08:40 tier 2 CatSavage
09:30 tier 3 CatSavage
09:40 tier 3 CornPop
10:35 <KofW> udaman i just know orange is frothing fromt he mouth like a rabid dog right now
10:45 CornPop I am!
10:52 CornPop do we know each other or something?
11:14 <KofW> udaman i know you
11:20 CornPop everyone does
11:26 CornPop but I dont' know you
11:39 <KofW> udaman yeah you're on how to catch a predator
11:45 gas 4 -119 CatSavage
11:52 UnHealthcare i just almost spit my drink
12:02 CornPop you saw my episode!
12:16 CatSavage was he that one really good looking 12 yr old?
12:21 CornPop did I look good in it!?
12:31 CornPop he was asking for it
12:35 UnHealthcare you can't make candy corn look good bro
12:36 <KofW> udaman thats what they all say
12:53 UnHealthcare i love how the show has been out for 20 year and all the perps try to like negotiate and barter there way out
13:08 UnHealthcare then there was the pastor that was caught twice
13:55 tier 3 UnHealthcare
14:43 gas 2 -58 Kosh
15:06 gas 3 -144 Malah
16:22 UnHealthcare why you so bad?
16:35 CatSavage probably the extra chromosomes
16:48 <KofW> udaman they're evolving
16:52 CornPop they told me I was special!
16:53 <KofW> udaman i see so many downies on IG i'd fuck
17:02 UnHealthcare I'm sure you mom did when she tried to coat hangar you
17:03 tier 3 Malah
17:31 CornPop she did say it was awesome how you crawled out of the abortion tub
17:45 UnHealthcare your mom, not mine. focus here. I know its hard when your special
17:52 CornPop it is
20:09 bunker destroyed
20:10 Kosh score
20:13 gas 3 -298 Kosh
20:18 game ended
20:21 Kosh and wiin
20:23 CornPop gg (hearts)
20:23 Kosh lol