Game #1752899 — 2023-09-24

terran 609
apm: 19 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 968 | killed: 66k
5424 +1
zerg 2095
apm: 29 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 986 | killed: 43k
9316 +1
zerg 472
apm: 20 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 553 | killed: 34k
7309 +1
992 -1
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 10 | killed: 46k
terran 37
2042 -1
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: -23 | killed: 43k
protoss 68
1429 -1
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: -147 | killed: 45k
protoss 63


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:06 <dGreat> Henz why whining
00:16 Tevak you mean winning
00:18 <N0BLE> Zarack as soon as i find my own ppl to play with ur going down
00:31 <dGreat> Henz i still wait for that day buddy
00:37 first unit on mid
00:39 <dGreat> Henz but you take too long
00:41 <dGreat> Henz when
00:43 <N0BLE> Zarack me too me too
00:50 tier 2 Bee
00:50 tier 2 romeus
01:37 tier 2 <dGreat> Henz
03:54 tier 2 <N0BLE> Zarack
05:05 cannon destroyed
05:07 gas 1 +224 Pineapple
05:08 gas 1 +224 <dGreat> Henz
06:08 gas 1 +194 Tevak
06:32 gas 1 +182 Bee
06:35 <N0BLE> Zarack when have i not seen you with pineapple bee or supra
07:08 gas 2 +89 Pineapple
07:11 <N0BLE> Zarack u have the power of friendship but mark my words ill fight fire with fire
07:15 <dGreat> Henz why no1 want to play with you?
07:24 tier 2 Tevak
07:27 <dGreat> Henz ask yourself that
07:43 gas 1 +147 <N0BLE> Zarack
08:23 <dGreat> Henz why dont you have frenships for this game
08:26 <dGreat> Henz this is a teamgame lol
08:29 gas 2 +48 Tevak
08:43 <N0BLE> Zarack i will one day and on that day i will beat you
08:56 tier 2 Pineapple
09:07 Tevak yes you'll beat him off
09:36 gas 2 +15 <dGreat> Henz
09:38 gas 3 -61 Pineapple
09:52 gas 2 +7 Bee
09:59 gas 3 -72 Tevak
10:04 <N0BLE> Zarack but when oj says " ill counter the mutas soon " when he goes zealts vs air what ya going to do
10:24 Tevak i'm just here to listen to you complain
10:31 Tevak its the best enterainment ever
10:39 <dGreat> Henz lol
10:51 Tevak especially considering i didn't build another zealot since he made mutas you tard
11:31 gas 4 -193 Tevak
11:32 <dGreat> Henz the tard he called you tahts really hurt zarackk
11:38 <N0BLE> Zarack ill find a player thats got an IQ higher than 10 like oj theres another somewhere
11:42 gas 1 +27 romeus
11:47 gas 4 -201 Pineapple
12:01 Tevak you're a stud bruh
12:03 tier 3 Bee
12:53 tier 3 Tevak
13:16 gas 3 -170 <dGreat> Henz
13:39 <N0BLE> Zarack maybe its him thorwing maybe its him fighting air with zealots but who knows
14:02 gas 3 -193 Bee
14:04 <dGreat> Henz really, i die hard lauhing here
14:27 <dGreat> Henz laughing*
14:32 <N0BLE> Zarack at least blue isnt a complete fag
14:39 gas 2 -137 <N0BLE> Zarack
15:55 gas 2 -174 romeus
16:16 <dGreat> Henz nop
16:22 <dGreat> Henz dont touch the midline
16:52 tier 3 <N0BLE> Zarack
17:05 gas 4 -360 Bee
17:24 tier 3 romeus
17:37 game ended
17:41 <N0BLE> Zarack gg
17:41 Tevak BG