Game #1764543 — 2023-01-10

protoss 50
apm: 6 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 666 | killed: 30k
2971 -0
terran 222
apm: 13 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1055 | killed: 33k
2928 -0
zerg 34
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 777 | killed: 42k
3434 -0
1538 +0
apm: 20 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 257 | killed: 41k
terran 8
5816 -80
apm: 13 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: -118 | killed: 35k
terran 667
2963 +0
apm: 11 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 52 | killed: 49k
zerg 66


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +323 SquirlMaster
00:38 first unit on mid
00:57 tier 2 <JAYJAY> odb
01:00 tier 2 SquirlMaster
01:19 tier 2 <V4GIN4> SpecialFred
02:00 tier 3 SquirlMaster
02:49 tier 2 Yuwazo
04:28 tier 2 <NEWB4> GeneralXTank
04:55 gas 1 +177 TheRedDevil
05:17 SquirlMaster special fred gas gg
05:25 SquirlMaster has left the game!
05:29 gas 1 +75 <NEWB4> GeneralXTank
05:30 gas 1 +160 <V4GIN4> SpecialFred
06:06 tier 2 TheRedDevil
06:08 cannon destroyed
06:14 gas 2 +63 SquirlMaster
06:26 gas 1 +132 Yuwazo
06:40 gas 1 +125 <JAYJAY> odb
07:14 gas 2 +33 TheRedDevil
07:59 tier 3 Yuwazo
08:57 SquirlMaster gg
09:30 tier 3 TheRedDevil
10:03 gas 2 -52 <V4GIN4> SpecialFred
11:15 SquirlMaster my 1 banshee has 90 kills
11:54 gas 2 -193 <NEWB4> GeneralXTank
12:55 gas 3 -213 TheRedDevil
12:57 <NEWB4> GeneralXTank gg
12:59 leaver <NEWB4> GeneralXTank
14:52 bunker destroyed
14:55 gas 2 -198 <JAYJAY> odb
15:25 <V4GIN4> SpecialFred reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
15:37 SquirlMaster has left the game!
15:47 <JAYJAY> odb gg
15:50 Yuwazo gg
15:51 game ended
15:51 SquirlMaster gw