Game #1769596 — 2022-12-10

mengsk 465
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 5
minerals: 3065 | killed: 173k
3360 +26
tychus 26
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 5
minerals: 2967 | killed: 256k
3878 +26
abathur 9
apm: 5 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 3281 | killed: 96k
1093 +26
1976 -26
apm: 5 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 1390 | killed: 182k
nova 8
1064 -26
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1290 | killed: 160k
swann 6
1876 -26
apm: 19 | gas: 3 | tier: 5
minerals: 1508 | killed: 155k
dehaka 1


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 +866 <ProbKA> Smile
00:06 gas 1 +864 <HHOTS> aitenlabs
00:11 gas 1 +862 Masher
00:12 gas 1 +862 joernt
00:16 gas 1 +860 <MM1337> Griffin
00:24 <HHOTS> aitenlabs hihf
00:42 first unit on mid
00:59 gas 1 +838 <WPUPE> FREDY
01:33 tier 2 <MM1337> Griffin
01:33 gas 2 +746 <ProbKA> Smile
01:54 tier 2 <WPUPE> FREDY
02:17 tier 2 Masher
02:35 gas 2 +715 <WPUPE> FREDY
03:13 tier 2 <HHOTS> aitenlabs
04:10 gas 2 +668 Masher
04:52 gas 2 +647 joernt
04:57 gas 3 +569 <WPUPE> FREDY
05:18 cannon destroyed
05:35 tier 3 Masher
06:12 tier 2 joernt
06:46 tier 2 <ProbKA> Smile
07:18 gas 3 +499 joernt
08:07 <WPUPE> FREDY hjey guys
08:09 <WPUPE> FREDY why so ez?
08:28 <HHOTS> aitenlabs what is ez
08:33 <WPUPE> FREDY easy
08:50 <HHOTS> aitenlabs oh yea dont know xD we suck probably
08:54 tier 3 joernt
09:06 <WPUPE> FREDY levels?
09:19 Masher 21
09:26 <WPUPE> FREDY ohhh, so u new here
09:47 <HHOTS> aitenlabs ho to see the level
10:11 gas 3 +412 <ProbKA> Smile
10:25 gas 4 +330 joernt
10:42 <HHOTS> aitenlabs noone?
10:48 <WPUPE> FREDY up left corner
10:53 <WPUPE> FREDY upper
10:57 tier 3 <WPUPE> FREDY
11:01 <HHOTS> aitenlabs oh tnx
11:03 <HHOTS> aitenlabs 41
11:08 gas 2 +458 <MM1337> Griffin
11:09 <WPUPE> FREDY also new here xD
11:31 <HHOTS> aitenlabs i play since 2014 xD but still a noob tbh
11:33 <WPUPE> FREDY nice strike back
11:37 <WPUPE> FREDY my mates sleeping
11:48 gas 2 +439 <HHOTS> aitenlabs
11:54 <HHOTS> aitenlabs we will win
11:57 <HHOTS> aitenlabs ez
12:04 <WPUPE> FREDY can happen
12:21 <MM1337> Griffin Hang on.. Who has the easy win here?
12:39 <WPUPE> FREDY because its easy
12:43 <WPUPE> FREDY but my mates sleeping
12:45 <HHOTS> aitenlabs ez
12:55 tier 3 <HHOTS> aitenlabs
13:00 <HHOTS> aitenlabs mine are doing great so far
13:01 <WPUPE> FREDY if our light blue will go out ez win
15:48 tier 3 <MM1337> Griffin
16:16 <HHOTS> aitenlabs fredy u have 3-3 already, nice one
16:28 <WPUPE> FREDY coz i didnt make any new units
16:30 <WPUPE> FREDY coz ez
16:31 <WPUPE> FREDY xD
16:35 <HHOTS> aitenlabs XD
16:44 <WPUPE> FREDY normally i wouldnt do upgrades so fast
17:01 <HHOTS> aitenlabs one of our friend here is not making upgs btw
17:25 Masher yea
17:31 <HHOTS> aitenlabs XD
18:33 <HHOTS> aitenlabs fredy how can u make terran and zerg at the same time, what is your commander?
18:41 <HHOTS> aitenlabs who is
18:41 <WPUPE> FREDY mengsk
18:53 <HHOTS> aitenlabs ok tnx, ill try it later xD
18:56 <WPUPE> FREDY but i have only zerglings for 18
18:58 <WPUPE> FREDY thats all
19:04 <WPUPE> FREDY ahh and ultras
19:05 <WPUPE> FREDY sry
19:10 gas 3 +142 <MM1337> Griffin
19:12 <WPUPE> FREDY forgot about them (rofl)
19:16 <HHOTS> aitenlabs never played it, i have to try
19:26 <WPUPE> FREDY pretty easy commander
19:40 <HHOTS> aitenlabs cool
19:55 <WPUPE> FREDY jesus my light blue mate is so bad xd
20:04 <WPUPE> FREDY ez win for u guys haha
20:05 <MM1337> Griffin GG EZ
20:14 <HHOTS> aitenlabs xD ez pz
21:19 tier 3 <ProbKA> Smile
21:36 <HHOTS> aitenlabs masher do not do upgs. they are there just for fun :P
21:59 Masher yea
22:00 <HHOTS> aitenlabs oh tnx XD
22:19 <HHOTS> aitenlabs but they are pushing, they will win ez
22:31 joernt ohoh
23:51 <WPUPE> FREDY no, u just dont know how to play
23:57 <WPUPE> FREDY sry tsay
23:58 <WPUPE> FREDY xD
24:10 <HHOTS> aitenlabs our masher is doing great now
24:23 <WPUPE> FREDY my light blue still sucks
24:35 <HHOTS> aitenlabs but you are winning anyway, ez
24:54 <WPUPE> FREDY just for now
25:02 <WPUPE> FREDY u will strike back and win
25:02 <HHOTS> aitenlabs i killed u
25:08 <HHOTS> aitenlabs destroyed we can say
25:13 tier 4 joernt
25:17 tier 4 <MM1337> Griffin
25:19 <WPUPE> FREDY u doing good with air
25:22 <WPUPE> FREDY just do it
25:24 <WPUPE> FREDY and u win
25:25 tier 4 Masher
25:27 <HHOTS> aitenlabs yea
25:29 tier 4 <WPUPE> FREDY
25:30 <HHOTS> aitenlabs ez
26:11 tier 4 <ProbKA> Smile
26:19 <HHOTS> aitenlabs fuc
27:36 <WPUPE> FREDY my mates dont know what is scan
27:55 gas 4 -195 <MM1337> Griffin
28:31 gas 3 -138 <HHOTS> aitenlabs
28:49 gas 3 -147 Masher
29:16 bunker destroyed
29:22 <HHOTS> aitenlabs nice game though
29:39 Masher yea good game
29:59 <MM1337> Griffin Yea GG, Just too easy..
30:03 tier 5 <ProbKA> Smile
30:09 <HHOTS> aitenlabs so ez
30:15 <WPUPE> FREDY +1
30:20 tier 5 Masher
30:43 tier 5 joernt
30:43 tier 5 <MM1337> Griffin
31:06 tier 5 <WPUPE> FREDY
33:50 <ProbKA> Smile gg
33:50 <HHOTS> aitenlabs gg
33:52 <WPUPE> FREDY gg
33:54 Masher gg
33:56 game ended