Game #1783104 — 2023-10-14

terran 985
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 12
minerals: 3889 | killed: 672k
5841 -178
zerg 1431
apm: 16 | gas: 2 | tier: 12
minerals: 3668 | killed: 685k
3868 -178
terran 38
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 12
minerals: 5804 | killed: 689k
1535 -178
1954 +178
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 12
minerals: 4478 | killed: 721k
terran 66
2156 +178
apm: 11 | gas: 2 | tier: 12
minerals: 1591 | killed: 612k
zerg 36
2553 +178
apm: 13 | gas: 4 | tier: 12
minerals: 4401 | killed: 789k
terran 17


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:42 first unit on mid
00:48 tier 2 Fel
01:01 ChimpNuts gonna leave on the fourth wave again, pink?
01:12 tier 2 WeakSauce
01:14 Reagon You tell him chimp nuts
01:15 <Leengz> HarryNipps which pink?
01:22 tier 2 ChimpNuts
01:30 ChimpNuts did you also leave on the 4th wave in your previous game?
01:34 tier 2 <Leengz> Cerdoth
01:38 <Leengz> Cerdoth god ur a cunt lol
01:41 ChimpNuts (happy)
01:43 <Leengz> HarryNipps not that i recall
01:47 ChimpNuts then probs not you
02:06 <Leengz> HarryNipps wanted to make sure u werent getting me confused with another harry nipsd
02:07 <Leengz> Cerdoth i bet you suck the life out of parties
02:17 ChimpNuts I don't get invited (sad)
02:27 <Leengz> Cerdoth 8th wonder of the world
03:42 <Leengz> Cerdoth mutas suck dick and are a weak mans strat
03:44 <Leengz> Cerdoth fyi
04:00 ChimpNuts you sound really insecure
04:11 <Leengz> Cerdoth i am because i have a small dick but big ego
04:16 ChimpNuts ah, same tbh
04:27 Reagon he already has 4 gas wtf
04:38 ChimpNuts (happy)
04:56 <Leengz> Cerdoth ya right
05:06 ChimpNuts 5 actually
06:21 tier 3 WeakSauce
06:59 gas 1 +1628 Fel
07:13 ChimpNuts y'all hit the gym yet today?
07:20 Reagon Looked at the sun today lol
07:25 ChimpNuts nice
07:27 Fel i beat my meat twice
07:30 ChimpNuts attaboy
07:56 bunker destroyed
07:59 gas 1 +1598 Reagon
08:20 gas 1 +1587 ChimpNuts
09:03 tier 2 Reagon
09:29 gas 2 +1478 Reagon
09:30 gas 2 +1477 Fel
10:31 tier 3 Reagon
10:57 gas 1 +1509 WeakSauce
11:16 gas 3 +1349 Reagon
11:19 tier 3 Fel
13:15 gas 3 +1290 Fel
13:44 tier 3 ChimpNuts
14:28 tier 2 <Leengz> HarryNipps
14:29 gas 1 +1403 <Leengz> Cerdoth
14:56 gas 2 +1314 WeakSauce
15:13 cannon destroyed
15:16 gas 1 +1379 <Leengz> HarryNipps
17:07 tier 3 <Leengz> Cerdoth
17:17 gas 2 +1244 <Leengz> HarryNipps
21:46 gas 3 +1034 WeakSauce
22:09 tier 3 <Leengz> HarryNipps
25:13 tier 4 ChimpNuts
25:13 tier 4 <Leengz> HarryNipps
25:18 tier 4 Fel
25:19 tier 4 WeakSauce
25:20 tier 4 <Leengz> Cerdoth
25:25 tier 4 Reagon
25:27 gas 2 +999 <Leengz> Cerdoth
30:03 tier 5 WeakSauce
30:05 tier 5 Reagon
30:07 tier 5 <Leengz> Cerdoth
30:25 tier 5 ChimpNuts
30:38 tier 5 <Leengz> HarryNipps
30:51 ChimpNuts im being liberatred
30:51 tier 5 Fel
31:04 gas 4 +681 WeakSauce
35:03 tier 6 ChimpNuts
35:03 tier 6 Reagon
35:03 tier 6 WeakSauce
35:22 tier 6 Fel
35:46 tier 6 <Leengz> Cerdoth
35:53 tier 6 <Leengz> HarryNipps
40:03 tier 7 ChimpNuts
40:03 tier 7 Reagon
40:03 tier 7 <Leengz> HarryNipps
40:03 tier 7 WeakSauce
40:25 tier 7 Fel
40:53 tier 7 <Leengz> Cerdoth
45:03 tier 8 <Leengz> Cerdoth
45:03 tier 8 ChimpNuts
45:03 tier 8 WeakSauce
45:09 tier 8 Fel
45:10 tier 8 <Leengz> HarryNipps
45:14 tier 8 Reagon
48:21 Fel who is playing on a fucking calculator
48:26 Fel leave
48:31 ChimpNuts LMAO
49:00 <Leengz> HarryNipps THAT WAS SO FUNNY LMAO ROFL
49:14 ChimpNuts goddamn, you're as cunty as your butt buddy
49:37 Fel id be upset too if i held mid the whole game and still couldnt finish
49:39 <Leengz> Cerdoth ironic
49:40 <Leengz> HarryNipps HAHAHAHAHAHA LMAO ROFL
50:03 tier 9 ChimpNuts
50:03 tier 9 Reagon
50:03 tier 9 <Leengz> HarryNipps
50:03 tier 9 WeakSauce
50:09 tier 9 Fel
50:12 <Leengz> Cerdoth we did not hold mid whole game tho
50:22 <Leengz> Cerdoth not until dumbass light pink could stack with us
50:24 ChimpNuts it's just a video game.
50:34 <Leengz> HarryNipps ur soooo mad
50:42 tier 9 <Leengz> Cerdoth
50:51 <Leengz> HarryNipps like ur shitty butt ROFL LMAO HAHAHA
51:08 ChimpNuts may want to check if you took your meds yet today
51:30 ChimpNuts i'm not even here half the game. afking half of it.
51:47 <Leengz> Cerdoth damn ur cool af!
51:56 <Leengz> HarryNipps thats how good u are tho bro!!
52:00 ChimpNuts goddamn you two are sensetive
52:10 <Leengz> Cerdoth lol
52:12 <Leengz> HarryNipps u can afk half of it and still be pushing #solidplayer
53:01 <Leengz> HarryNipps yo cerdoth
53:07 <Leengz> Cerdoth yee
53:20 ChimpNuts lol you two talking in all chat like you're not cuddling rn
53:28 Reagon curling their toes
53:28 ChimpNuts nt nt
53:28 <Leengz> HarryNipps this guy has beeen afk for half!!! and they pushing our tower!!
53:34 Reagon #toecurler
53:38 <Leengz> Cerdoth lmaoo
54:01 <Leengz> Cerdoth who's mad again?
54:15 Reagon I don't remember
54:21 ChimpNuts surely not the two butt buddies who keep reinitiating conversations
54:31 <Leengz> Cerdoth you are something else
54:41 <Leengz> HarryNipps i want to be able to only play half and still push bro #goals
54:54 ChimpNuts careful, might make youre boy jealous talking like that
54:57 <Leengz> HarryNipps #redislegend!!!
55:03 tier 10 ChimpNuts
55:03 tier 10 Reagon
55:03 tier 10 <Leengz> HarryNipps
55:03 tier 10 WeakSauce
55:03 tier 10 Fel
55:23 ChimpNuts that hashtag game on that side is nuts bro. teach me?
55:29 <Leengz> HarryNipps this guy gets mad pussy i bet
55:39 ChimpNuts happy pussy
55:42 <Leengz> HarryNipps im just heree to learn from u bro
55:43 tier 10 <Leengz> Cerdoth
55:55 ChimpNuts i fear your mental is too weak to learn
56:03 Reagon I curl my toes
56:08 gas 4 -72 Reagon
56:20 <Leengz> HarryNipps ya ur probably right
57:42 gas 4 -119 Fel
01:00:03 tier 11 <Leengz> Cerdoth
01:00:03 tier 11 ChimpNuts
01:00:03 tier 11 Reagon
01:00:03 tier 11 <Leengz> HarryNipps
01:00:03 tier 11 WeakSauce
01:00:03 tier 11 Fel
01:02:07 Reagon maybe 2nd gas? (rofl)
01:02:47 gas 2 -121 ChimpNuts
01:04:12 Reagon gg sweet release
01:04:14 ChimpNuts gg!
01:04:28 <Leengz> HarryNipps sick release
01:04:46 ChimpNuts nooooo
01:05:03 tier 12 ChimpNuts
01:05:03 tier 12 <Leengz> HarryNipps
01:05:03 tier 12 WeakSauce
01:05:03 tier 12 Fel
01:05:42 tier 12 <Leengz> Cerdoth
01:05:45 tier 12 Reagon
01:06:15 Reagon gg
01:06:16 game ended
01:06:21 ChimpNuts crazy