Game #1784456 — 2023-10-15

zerg 1460
apm: 12 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 55k
3659 -84
protoss 1045
apm: 9 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 56k
5745 -84
terran 404
apm: 13 | gas: 0 | tier: 3
minerals: 0 | killed: 82k
901 -8
990 +8
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1742 | killed: 72k
zerg 88
1526 +84
apm: 6 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1645 | killed: 72k
protoss 42
3002 +84
apm: 11 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1594 | killed: 71k
protoss 261


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:49 tier 2 BenDover
00:54 tier 2 <Leengz> HooDs
00:55 tier 2 <Leengz> HarryNipps
00:57 first unit on mid
02:01 tier 2 <Leengz> Cerdoth
02:15 Explorer HarryNipps, love the name lol
02:20 bunker destroyed
02:22 gas 1 +396 killers
02:27 gas 1 +394 Explorer
02:50 tier 2 Explorer
04:28 tier 2 killers
07:09 gas 2 +178 killers
08:00 gas 1 +227 BenDover
09:30 gas 2 +107 BenDover
09:33 gas 2 +106 Explorer
11:11 gas 3 -18 Explorer
12:16 <Leengz> HarryNipps i think we might come back
12:36 <Leengz> HarryNipps how u guys feeling about that over there?
12:40 Explorer you got this Harry
12:58 Explorer I'm not sure at the moment but i dont want to say that you will come back
12:59 <Leengz> HarryNipps if u could just quit building for a sec
13:03 tier 3 Explorer
14:06 Explorer So much electricity
14:43 tier 3 BenDover
14:59 <Leengz> HarryNipps i dont think we can comee back anymore (sad)
15:11 Explorer Yea, sry. I dont think so either
15:25 <Leengz> HarryNipps i dont think u quit building like i askeed tho
15:36 Explorer I swear I did though lol
15:46 tier 3 <Leengz> HooDs
15:51 <Leengz> HarryNipps LIES!!!!!
15:57 Explorer I did, I swear
16:17 <Leengz> HarryNipps knew i would beat u with that tower helping me tho
16:52 gas 3 -189 killers
16:53 tier 3 killers
16:54 <Leengz> HarryNipps YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17:03 Explorer ok ganadolf?
17:09 <Leengz> HarryNipps hes my boy
17:13 Explorer I cant spell his name or spell in general lol
17:20 <Leengz> HarryNipps close enough
18:09 Explorer oooooo
18:13 Explorer Whats that
18:17 Explorer u coming back
18:18 <Leengz> HarryNipps HERE WE COME!!!!!
18:30 <Leengz> HarryNipps THIS IS OUR LAST RIDE!!!
18:32 Explorer i know, i c it!!!!!
18:40 <Leengz> HarryNipps aim for the bushes boys!!
18:57 Explorer what bushes????
18:59 Explorer lol
19:01 <Leengz> HarryNipps metaphor
19:13 Explorer I know its from the other guys lol
19:24 <Leengz> HarryNipps lol yes
19:35 Explorer One of the best movies ever!
19:50 <Leengz> HarryNipps he loves you very much francine!!!
19:57 Explorer LooooooL
20:06 Explorer You learned to dance sarcasticly?
20:17 <Leengz> HarryNipps thats actually really good terry
20:25 BenDover time's up
20:34 <Leengz> HarryNipps it was a bold charge but wee spent our powder
20:36 game ended
20:38 Explorer GeeGee's
20:42 <Leengz> Cerdoth GG