Game #1787029 — 2023-10-07

protoss 4
apm: 6 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 652 | killed: 61k
2058 +63
zerg 24
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 822 | killed: 61k
2065 +63
protoss 120
apm: 5 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 808 | killed: 71k
3119 +63
1937 -63
apm: 34 | gas: 0 | tier: 3
minerals: 125 | killed: 46k
terran 1
3918 -63
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 208 | killed: 67k
zerg 186
1891 -63
apm: 22 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 382 | killed: 78k
protoss 2


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:05 gas 1 +474 Wolfi
00:40 first unit on mid
00:51 tier 2 <aBrain> Punitor
00:54 tier 2 <СПУА> Sofiya
01:19 tier 2 <SSheep> SuicideSheep
02:54 tier 2 Wolfi
03:29 tier 3 Wolfi
04:51 cannon destroyed
04:55 gas 1 +328 <aBrain> Punitor
04:57 gas 1 +328 <СПУА> Sofiya
05:00 gas 1 +326 <STONER> Kronozeus
05:43 <aBrain> Punitor what a surprise
06:16 tier 2 Drapek
06:39 gas 2 +202 <STONER> Kronozeus
07:51 tier 2 <STONER> Kronozeus
07:59 tier 3 <aBrain> Punitor
08:09 gas 3 +82 <STONER> Kronozeus
08:09 gas 2 +156 <aBrain> Punitor
11:19 tier 3 <СПУА> Sofiya
11:33 gas 1 +130 Drapek
11:35 bunker destroyed
12:06 gas 4 -112 <STONER> Kronozeus
13:09 gas 2 +7 Wolfi
13:28 tier 3 <STONER> Kronozeus
14:56 gas 2 -47 Drapek
15:44 tier 3 Drapek
15:54 Wolfi suprise is that this shit works
16:08 <aBrain> Punitor with those guys of course
16:53 <aBrain> Punitor disruptor only isnt that great haha
17:16 <aBrain> Punitor with no detection haha
18:20 gas 3 -224 Wolfi
19:21 tier 3 <SSheep> SuicideSheep
20:53 game ended
20:56 <STONER> Kronozeus gg wp
20:59 Wolfi gg
21:01 Drapek gg