Game #1791803 — 2023-10-19

terran 726
apm: 19 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 1729 | killed: 61k
5852 +3
terran 992
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1599 | killed: 55k
5792 +3
terran 1171
apm: 60 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1684 | killed: 60k
9398 +3
3049 -3
apm: 15 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 270 | killed: 50k
zerg 158
1902 -3
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 314 | killed: 55k
terran 5
1879 -3
apm: 4 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 80 | killed: 48k
protoss 17


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:37 first unit on mid
00:50 tier 2 <Nation> Sobu
00:58 gas 1 +400 ptoro
01:04 <UDEA2> BigT that marine just wanted to hang out lol
01:07 tier 2 <UDEA2> BigT
01:43 tier 3 <Nation> Sobu
01:58 tier 2 <dGreat> Henz
03:20 cannon destroyed
03:22 gas 1 +328 <Leengz> HarryNipps
03:52 gas 1 +313 Pineapple
04:21 tier 3 <dGreat> Henz
04:27 gas 1 +295 <dGreat> Henz
05:19 gas 2 +195 <Leengz> HarryNipps
05:22 gas 2 +193 Pineapple
06:13 tier 2 ptoro
06:30 gas 2 +159 <dGreat> Henz
06:49 tier 2 Pineapple
06:52 gas 3 +73 Pineapple
07:18 tier 2 <Leengz> HarryNipps
07:28 gas 1 +205 <UDEA2> BigT
08:43 gas 1 +149 <Nation> Sobu
09:39 gas 2 +65 <UDEA2> BigT
09:51 gas 3 -17 <dGreat> Henz
10:01 gas 4 -97 Pineapple
11:07 tier 3 <UDEA2> BigT
12:52 tier 3 <Leengz> HarryNipps
13:30 gas 2 -69 <Nation> Sobu
14:41 gas 2 -86 ptoro
14:59 gas 3 -171 <Leengz> HarryNipps
16:11 tier 3 ptoro
18:43 leaver <Nation> Sobu
19:19 game ended
19:23 Pineapple gg