Game #1828771 — 2023-11-01

zerg 1175
apm: 40 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 66 | killed: 18k
6216 +16
terran 165
apm: 16 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: -7 | killed: 21k
3439 +16
terran 881
apm: 29 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 8 | killed: 13k
6165 +16
3296 -16
apm: 20 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 351 | killed: 17k
protoss 55
910 -1
apm: 25 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 312 | killed: 12k
protoss 88
988 -1
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 280 | killed: 17k
protoss 85


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:30 BaconPizza make sure Womb doesnt throw
00:38 first unit on mid
00:41 HeloX dont talk about my teammates
00:46 HeloX mind ur own business
00:52 tier 2 BaconPizza
00:57 BaconPizza hes gonna ruin the game
01:04 <DSFTWA> PLANdemic did he egas again
01:19 HeloX no he didnt, he said he gassed last time cause your mom didnt put out
01:35 <DSFTWA> PLANdemic mom joes dude
01:44 <DSFTWA> PLANdemic jokes lol
01:49 tier 2 <PwnCat> MrMcJiggens
02:42 bunker destroyed
02:42 gas 1 +72 XeNoX
02:47 HeloX jokes on u
02:52 <DSFTWA> PLANdemic our bunker dude
02:55 HeloX hes actually the dev for this game
03:02 HeloX he helped make it
03:07 HeloX no thanks to your mom
03:07 tier 2 XeNoX
03:40 gas 1 +42 HeloX
04:08 tier 2 WombSnapper
04:31 <DSFTWA> PLANdemic stack dude
04:39 HeloX listen dude dont tell us what to do
04:51 HeloX if we wanna stack we will stack, if we wanna thro thats what were gonna do
04:59 gas 1 +3 WombSnapper
05:05 tier 2 HeloX
05:57 gas 2 -101 XeNoX
06:03 tier 3 HeloX
07:02 gas 1 -59 BaconPizza
07:04 cannon destroyed
07:51 tier 2 <DSFTWA> PLANdemic
08:28 <DSFTWA> PLANdemic a dev dude
08:42 tier 3 WombSnapper
09:00 gas 1 -117 <PwnCat> MrMcJiggens
09:28 gas 1 -132 <DSFTWA> PLANdemic
09:57 <DSFTWA> PLANdemic a dev dude ???
09:59 <DSFTWA> PLANdemic a dev ???
10:00 BaconPizza well i tried to warn you but you spent all your time making up stuff about my mom
10:06 game ended
10:07 <DSFTWA> PLANdemic gg DEV
10:08 HeloX lucky