Game #1883218 — 2022-12-16

terran 24
apm: 26 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1257 | killed: 300k
3932 +84
6649 -84
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1938 | killed: 269k
zerg 2450


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:06 Kiriltz lol hi again
00:12 <C00KIE> Kida (happy)
00:23 Kiriltz was gonna practice ur terran build
00:37 first unit on mid
00:48 tier 2 Kiriltz
00:49 tier 2 <C00KIE> Kida
01:05 gas 1 +549 Kiriltz
01:18 <C00KIE> Kida the timing on it are hard.
01:36 Kiriltz it must be. i find it really hard to beat z with t
02:44 gas 1 +500 <C00KIE> Kida
03:17 gas 2 +408 Kiriltz
03:46 bunker destroyed
05:08 gas 2 +353 <C00KIE> Kida
07:33 tier 3 <C00KIE> Kida
08:34 gas 3 +175 Kiriltz
10:24 tier 3 Kiriltz
11:31 gas 3 +86 <C00KIE> Kida
22:51 cannon destroyed
24:15 Kiriltz this is the best build vs z
24:17 Kiriltz i think
24:24 Kiriltz thanks for ur lesson
24:25 game ended
24:25 Kiriltz ggwp