Game #1891442 — 2023-11-22

terran 986
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1601 | killed: 76k
6216 +14
terran 304
apm: 29 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1525 | killed: 84k
6729 +14
terran 163
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1524 | killed: 84k
3567 +14
3296 -14
apm: 11 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 63 | killed: 117k
zerg 837
3479 -14
apm: 11 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: -108 | killed: 33k
protoss 66
3454 -14
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 158 | killed: 38k
terran 76


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:37 first unit on mid
00:45 Khanthos glhf
00:51 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy good luck having fun
01:09 <TCBros> XWave hey greedy
01:26 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy helloy my bully
01:27 tier 2 Khanthos
01:38 <TCBros> Technoid hi
01:44 <TCBros> XWave put it in the bucket
03:00 tier 2 <TCBros> XWave
03:23 <TCBros> XWave lol
03:40 tier 2 <GGBr0> Ezio
03:58 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy put it in the bucket
04:35 <TCBros> XWave lol
04:38 <TCBros> XWave i will
04:53 tier 2 claytibs
05:33 gas 1 +159 <TCBros> Technoid
05:39 Khanthos noooo my banshee
05:41 tier 2 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy
06:17 <TCBros> Technoid purple dialed red's number and is talking shit to his moma
06:34 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy yeah he does that sort of thing
06:43 <TCBros> Technoid apparently so
06:44 Khanthos (happy)
07:07 gas 1 +298 claytibs
07:46 gas 1 +278 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy
08:00 cannon destroyed
08:02 gas 1 +270 Khanthos
08:23 gas 2 -1 <TCBros> Technoid
08:38 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy are you making carrier?
08:43 Khanthos i smell it
08:52 gas 2 +170 claytibs
09:09 <TCBros> XWave you smell burnt toast
09:16 Khanthos bleh
09:19 Khanthos nasty
09:22 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy stroke
09:32 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy stroke or future sight
09:39 tier 2 <TCBros> Technoid
09:42 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy results inconclusive
10:02 gas 2 +136 Khanthos
10:19 gas 2 +127 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy
10:41 tier 3 <TCBros> XWave
11:04 tier 3 Khanthos
11:35 gas 3 +14 claytibs
11:38 <TCBros> XWave you and your superior army
11:40 Khanthos oho tempest
13:41 tier 3 claytibs
14:22 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy unlike russia i make sure that my army has plenty of good quality artillery rounds
14:24 tier 3 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy
14:30 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy that way i dont face a coup
14:39 Khanthos (thumbsup)
14:47 <TCBros> Technoid Wrong Russian makes more artilary rounds every month than USA and EU combined
14:52 gas 1 -108 <TCBros> XWave
14:57 gas 1 +63 <GGBr0> Ezio
14:59 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy its a meme
15:05 <TCBros> Technoid if we went to war with them over 50,000 US troops would die every month
15:06 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy obv im a russian sympathyzer
15:52 leaver <TCBros> Technoid
16:01 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy ggwp
16:14 <TCBros> XWave gg
16:15 Khanthos gg
16:17 leaver <TCBros> XWave
16:24 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy if you leave we can remake
20:45 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy you ever watch the incredibles?
21:27 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy elastimommy could get it right?
22:04 game ended
22:05 Khanthos gg
22:06 <GGBr0> Ezio gg