Game #1894947 — 2023-11-23

zagara 5
apm: 27 | gas: 1 | tier: 1
minerals: 5 | killed: 4k
2121 -17
raynor 2
apm: 15 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: -92 | killed: 4k
2069 -17
2222 +17
apm: 16 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 466 | killed: 12k
zagara 152
4871 +17
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 235 | killed: 13k
tychus 212


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:06 gas 1 +5 <99good> Henke
00:18 <DSRTNG> kaasKop glhf!
00:22 <99good> Henke u2
00:42 gas 1 +32 <PaniC> Tsoi
00:56 first unit on mid
01:15 tier 2 goldisheavy
02:03 gas 1 -9 goldisheavy
02:14 bunker destroyed
02:17 <99good> Henke wow
02:18 gas 1 -16 <DSRTNG> kaasKop
02:23 <DSRTNG> kaasKop heheh
02:34 goldisheavy )
02:42 <99good> Henke such a fail to not get zaaga first :d
02:51 <DSRTNG> kaasKop happens to the best
02:57 tier 2 <DSRTNG> kaasKop
02:59 <99good> Henke watching netflix at the same time (rofl)
03:23 gas 2 -124 <PaniC> Tsoi
03:25 <99good> Henke u guys sure need to fail now to lose it (rofl)
03:34 <DSRTNG> kaasKop hahaha
03:45 <99good> Henke golden all the time + bunker (rofl)
03:57 <DSRTNG> kaasKop that is the game plan
04:02 <99good> Henke yeah
04:09 <99good> Henke lets remake it
04:11 goldisheavy im a noob but my tychus mate is real good
04:21 <DSRTNG> kaasKop too kind
04:30 goldisheavy i just get boomboom
04:35 <DSRTNG> kaasKop lol
04:40 <99good> Henke boomboom is the best!
05:16 <99good> Henke well gg
05:18 leaver <99good> Henke
05:21 <DSRTNG> kaasKop gg
06:15 tier 2 <PaniC> Tsoi
06:44 gas 2 -224 <DSRTNG> kaasKop
06:46 game ended
06:49 <DSRTNG> kaasKop ggwp