Game #1948433 — 2023-01-20

terran 639
apm: 39 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 895 | killed: 47k
6104 +12
zerg 838
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 907 | killed: 31k
4018 +12
protoss 900
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 980 | killed: 39k
5478 +12
1855 -12
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 153 | killed: 35k
terran 8
2606 -12
apm: 6 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 29 | killed: 27k
protoss 1988
467 -1
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 176 | killed: 34k
terran 126


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:50 tier 2 <1BldGl> fireboy
00:58 first unit on mid
01:57 <DSNSFW> Jay my poor banshees!
02:48 <DSNSFW> Jay thanks for the bunker!
02:55 gas 1 +235 <DSGoku> RemyXo
02:58 cannon destroyed
03:03 tier 2 <DSGoku> RemyXo
03:47 tier 2 <DSFTWA> Rambo
03:48 gas 1 +209 <DSFTWA> Rambo
04:09 gas 1 +198 <1BldGl> fireboy
04:11 gas 1 +198 <DSNSFW> Jay
04:20 gas 1 +193 RocVacio
05:05 tier 2 RocVacio
05:46 gas 1 +150 <LTLS> PePiTuL
06:14 <DSNSFW> Jay blue you need more marines if you keep making them youll eventually win!
06:15 tier 2 <DSNSFW> Jay
06:28 gas 2 +54 <DSGoku> RemyXo
06:35 gas 2 +50 <DSNSFW> Jay
06:41 gas 2 +47 <DSFTWA> Rambo
06:58 gas 2 +39 <1BldGl> fireboy
07:03 tier 2 <LTLS> PePiTuL
07:05 tier 3 <1BldGl> fireboy
07:23 gas 2 +26 <LTLS> PePiTuL
08:05 tier 3 <DSNSFW> Jay
08:06 <DSNSFW> Jay oooo tanks now!
08:39 gas 3 -87 <DSGoku> RemyXo
08:52 <DSNSFW> Jay what you up to fireturd....
09:31 <DSNSFW> Jay ahh there it is...
09:36 gas 2 -40 RocVacio
09:39 tier 3 <DSFTWA> Rambo
09:43 <DSNSFW> Jay oh no what can we do!?
10:35 <DSNSFW> Jay i was saving too....
10:50 gas 4 -227 <DSGoku> RemyXo
11:22 <DSNSFW> Jay more tanks they hit libs!
12:00 tier 3 <LTLS> PePiTuL
12:18 tier 3 RocVacio
12:19 <DSNSFW> Jay i wonder if pepitul has enough medis
12:41 gas 3 -208 <1BldGl> fireboy
12:42 gas 3 -208 <DSFTWA> Rambo
14:39 tier 3 <DSGoku> RemyXo
15:16 gas 3 -285 <DSNSFW> Jay
15:40 RocVacio gg
15:41 <DSGoku> RemyXo gg
15:47 game ended